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The hundred year picture, 1900 to 2020

In the long term, real agricultural prices are declining for all commer-

cial producers around the world. Productivity must be boosted for

producers to stay in the game.

Production cost comparisons highlight the fact that South African

producers are paying approximately $10/ton more for inputs, e.g.

higher fertiliser prices, which instantly puts local producers on the

back foot when competing with countries like Argentina, Brazil,

Ukraine and the US.

The benchmarking of value chains becomes important in order to

highlight the area of competition from international markets. Al-

though we have a free market, it is not always fair, so this is where

calls for intervention become necessary.


Soybean production has become a game changer since significant

investment has been made into local crushing capacity. The value

chains are highly competitive nonetheless good opportunity exists

for soybean production in the next few years.

Trade routes

These must be monitored constantly, e.g. new export opportunities

may arise where other countries experience drought and need to

import maize and Zambia has become a surplus producer of maize

to supply the Zimbabwean market.

Prof Meyer concluded:

Nothing replaces consistent and focussed research and devel-

opment. A universal trend is seeing a shift towards private

sector investment, but governments are providing the catalyst


Partnerships must emerge between government, private sector

and academics.

Training and education must be promoted in partnership with

educational institutions. It is important to recognise the process

is slow and requires long term commitment and investment.

Investment into building comprehensive databases which will

inform strategic planning and ensure a co-ordinated action and

implementation must continue.

Critical investment into the country’s water infrastructure

and road, rail and ports need maintenance and expansion is


All of the above need a politically stable environment.

Exclusive Grain SA App

for members

Dr Dirk Strydom (manager: Grain Economy and Marketing,

Grain SA) explained to Congress members how to set-up their

member exclusive Grain SA App.

With this app members get:

Exclusive information,

agricultural conditions,

planting intentions,

harvest progress, and

rain data in their region and nationally.

To register go to

and follow the steps.

Prof Ferdi Meyer, Dr Marinda Visser and Dr Dirk Strydom discussed

grain economics and the policy environment, benchmarking and the

Grain SA App at Grain SA’s Congress.

Graph 1: Main opportunities for job creation.