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This is

farm life…

During their interviews, most of the contestants of the popular kykNET


Boer soek ‘n vrou

, mentioned that they were looking forward

to the peace and quiet of the farm. We invite all amateur photogra-

phers who wish to show what life on a farm is really like, to enter the


SA Grain

/Sasol Chemicals (Fertiliser) photo competition. How

would you capture the essence of farm life: The dawn of a new day,

the cattle ambling about or the activities of human hands? Your photo

of the tranquillity that is visible from the farm house


could just

be one of this year’s winning photos!


1. Only amateur photographers (in other words people who do not make

a living from taking photos) may enter the competition.

2. Entries must portray the theme “Farm life”.

3. People on the photos must be identified (provide a name and surname).

4. The photographer must provide a caption for the photo as well as their postal address and

telephone number/s.

5. Participants may enter a maximum of three photos (with varying subjects) per edition. If

more than three photos are entered, the first three photos received will be considered for the


6. Photos that are entered must be unique and should not portray the same theme as photos

entered into other competitions. Photos entered must not have been published previously.

7. If a participant is announced as a monthly winner, he/she may not enter the competition for

the following three editions.

8. Photographers may enter their photographs up until the cut-off date each month. Entries

received after this date will be entered into the following month’s competition.

9. Only emailed entries or entries provided on a CD will be accepted. The photos must be

in electronic format and no bigger than 3 MB each, in JPG format and no smaller than

10 cm x 15 cm. If photos are taken with a film camera, the photos must be scanned at 300 dpi.

10. Digitally manipulated photos will not be accepted. To crop a photo is however not considered

to be digital manipulation.

11. A panel consisting of two professional photographers, a representative of

SA Graan/Grain


well as Sasol Chemicals (Fertiliser), will judge the photos each month.


SA Graan/Grain

reserves the right to reject photos that are blurry and does not adhere to the

competition rules.

13. All entries become the property of

SA Graan/Grain

– this includes the CDs containing

the photos. The photos will be stored in a data bank and

SA Graan/Grain

and Sasol Chemi-

cals (Fertiliser) may use it for future promotions, marketing and publication purposes. By

entering the competition, the entrant agrees to this and no third party claims for copy right

violation may be submitted.

14. Employees of Sasol Chemicals (Fertiliser), Grain SA and Infoworks may not enter the



This year’s prizes will once again be spon-

sored by Sasol Chemicals (Fertiliser). From

January 2015 a monthly winner will be selected

by a panel of judges for each of the twelve edi-

tions. The monthly winner walks away with a

cash prize of R1 000 and the twelve finalists each

comes into contention for

R10 000 (winner),

R7 000 (runner-up) and a third prize of R3 000


Prize money to the value of R32 000 up for grabs!

Send photos to

or to Elmien Bosch, Postnet Suite 32, Private Bag X10, Flamwood, 2572.


MAY 2015: 30 APRIL

JUNE 2015: 29 MAY

Coerie Ferreira from Wesselsbron is our March winner with his photograph titled, “Milky Way Windmill”. This photograph was taken while

camping next to a windmill on a farm in the Vryburg area and earns the photographer a cash prize of R1 000.