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April 2015
Grain SA Congress 2015
in retrospect
n my opinion there were two big new tendencies at the
Grain SA Congress 2015, namely: Politicians started listening
to producers; and producers’ ability to overcome problems.
Minister Senzeni Zokwana was the first Minister of Agricul-
ture since 2004 who attended Congress and did not merely
walk in, deliver a speech and drive off again immediately – he spent
a whole five hours at Congress.
I really enjoyed his firm reaction when the media enquired about
the absence of the MECs from other provinces: “They will all be
here next year!” Let us hang on to this and build on the good dispo-
sition present at Congress where politicians asked for our opinion.
The Minister’s sympathy with the drought conditions the produc-
ers are experiencing came from his heart. I cannot help but repeat
the words of Ralph Swart’s (new era producer from Elim) father in
this regard: “Talking is downhill and doing is uphill”. This expression
precisely reflects the situation in which our country currently finds
itself as far as land reform is concerned, as well as with regard to
assistance with the current drought.
Some three weeks before Congress, a group of maize produc-
ers brought their aeroplanes to NAMPO Park to fly over the North
West Province and the Northern Free State so we could observe
the situation from the air. On our return the reports from all direc-
tions made us quite despondent. I still cannot erase from my mind
the picture of the producer driving aimlessly through his maize fields
in his bakkie. The emotion and loneliness of that picture completely
overwhelmed me.
What struck me was that, three weeks later, those same producers
attended Congress and that, in their minds, they have moved on
to the new season. It does not take away the pain and problems of
the current drought, but these unique people are capable to over-
come and handle problems in a way that you will not easily find else-
where. This takes some doing!
The whole concept of “data science” shared with us by the Ameri-
can producer, Mr Kip Tom, has awakened a new era of technologi-
cal grain production. It is a pity that the land issue dominated
discussions and that we could not learn more from him.
However, Grain SA’s staff got the message and will take this mat-
ter further to help each grain producer to make sense of the heaps
of information. A recommendation from Mr Tom’s side remains cer-
tain: “A dry year is perfect for gathering information”. Let us ensure
that we record the maize plants’ reaction to the environment so that
we are able to perform better in future.
I am also hopeful that we will, within the next few months, be able
to present something substantial to the wheat producers with
which to forge ahead. The attitude of all role-players is encouraging
and if all can be integrated, it can be possible to enter a new dispen-
Uit die
ink tog ‘n slaggie aan jouself! Staan op vir jou regte! Jy
sloof jou af vir hulle wat ondankbaar is. Jy doen ook niks
vir jouself nie. Dit lyk asof jy niks vir jouself omgee nie
en almal toelaat om op jou te trap. Klink dit bekend? Het
iemand dit al vir jou gesê, of het jy dit dalk al vir iemand
anders gesê?
Dink nou vir ‘n oomblik wat met ons sou gebeur het as die Here
Jesus hierdie gesindheid gehad het. Hy wat die Seun van God
is en wie alles van sy Vader gaan erf (Rom 8:17). Hy het glad nie
aan Homself gedink toe Hy na die aarde gekom het nie. Dit was
vir Hom ‘n groot vernedering en boonop het dit met baie pyn en
lyding gepaardgegaan. Hy het Homself tot die dood toe verneder om
ons van ons sonde en ellende te red.
Dit is egter nie al nie! Hy het dit nie vir goeie en gawe mense gedoen
wat net die beste verdien nie. Hy het dit vir mense gedoen wat die
ewige straf en hel verdien. Meer nog, Hy het dit vir ons gedoen
toe ons nog vyande van God en daarom ook vyande van Hom was
(Rom 5:10). Hy het alles opgeoffer ter wille van sy vyande.
Vir ons as gelowiges is dit steeds moeilik om net vir ons vyande te
bid, laat staan nog vir hulle te sterf. Hy het dit vir ons gedoen om
ons met God te versoen, om ons kinders van God te maak, sodat ons
nie meer vir ewig verlore sal gaan nie, maar die ewige lewe kan hê.
Dit is mos meer as genoeg rede om innig en diep dankbaar te wees.
Ons kan baie keer en met baie verskillende woorde dankie sê. Ons
moet ook daarmee saam met ons lewens wys dat ons dankbaar is.
Jou dankbaarheid kom in gehoorsaamheid aan God tot uitdrukking.
Wees dan as Christen dankbaar deur te doen wat God van jou
verwag, deur nie aan jouself te dink nie, maar aan Hom wat sy lewe
vir jou gegee het.
Baie geluk aan
Stoffel du Toit van
Hermanus wat vir die
Januarie-uitgawe van
SA Graan/Grain
die gratis
Bybel gewen het.