axeni Agric as the authorised sole-dealer, is excited to
introduce the AGRONIC MultiBaler and Agri-machines to
South Africa – magnificent baler technology developed
and produced in Finland and the Netherlands.
With an AGRONIC product, you buy experience and
competence in the world of multibalers. AGRONIC knows
the requirements of the modern-day producer. Through these inno-
vative machines it is possible to compress and form different types of
fibre-rich materials into perfectly wrapped round bales.
Various bales can be produced with the AGRONIC machines,
pressing various products: grass, hay, straw, corn, TMR, alfalfa, pulp,
wood chips and much more – a versatile range to meet your require-
ments! The two main AGRONIC baler models are the MR 820 Multi-
Baler and the 1210 MultiBaler.
MR 820 MultiBaler specifications
Bale weight: 250 kg to 450 kg, depending on material
Production capacity: 40 to 50 bales/hour
Diameter size from 80 cm to 90 cm and a width of 85 cm
Fully auto Canbus operated with auto film and net binding
Fully auto wrapping system fitted with double wrapping arms
and 0,5 m stretch units; bale volume: ± 0,5 m
Return system integrated in the machine
Film storage for up to five rolls of film and one roll of net/film
MR 1210 MultiBaler specifications
Bale weight: 600 kg to 1 000 kg, depending on material
Production capacity: 40 bales/hour
Diameter size from 100 cm to 120 cm and a width of 100 cm
Hopper capacity: 4 m
; bale volume: ± 1 m
Fully auto Canbus operated with auto film and net binding
Fully auto wrapping system fitted with double wrapping arms
and 0,75 m stretch units
Return system integrated in the machine
Film storage for up to five rolls of film and one roll of net/film
Feed packed in bales with AGRONIC MultiBalers have been scientifi-
cally proven to generate a higher yield in milk and meat production
when compared to feed from silos.
axeni Fuel Solutions is the authorised sole-distributor
of DyMac Global fuel tanks and fuel pods for the
Southern African market.
Innovative and game changing bund-
ed tanks (reinforced retaining container;
a tank within a tank) are suitable for all
farming conditions. Our patented fuel tanks are
robust and prevents spillage and loss through fume
evaporations and/or emissions. Its sturdy construc-
tion exceeds South African safety regulations for
storage, transporting of fuel and fuel handling.
These unique fuel tanks and fuel pods support
the refuelling demands of today’s industries. As add-
ed value, we can custom spray paint and brand the
product in the colour and branding of your choice.
Our goal with the AceCube Tank was to engineer
an all-purpose fuel storage tank, as well as satisfy envi-
ronmental concerns. Our range of steel bunded tanks have
undergone rigorous testing procedures
at leading international laboratories and
they undergo continuous year-
round inspections from leading
regulatory bodies to ensure
that we keep up to date.
The optional PIUSI dispens-
ing pump kits are fitted onto tanks
and we fully endorse these fuel
storage products. They are versa-
tile, strong and highly adaptable
to cope with the rough African
We are looking forward to seeing
you at this year’s NAMPO Harvest Day!
Gys Gijsbers,
Saxeni Agric
Gys Gijsbers,
Saxeni Fuel Solutions
Introducing wrapped baler
technology from abroad
Transportable fuel storage
tanks robust enough for Africa
AceCube Tank with 2 000 litre capacity.
The PIUSI dispensing
The AGRONIC MR 820 MultiBaler in the process of baling maize.