Liam van der Merwe,
upidex, which forms part of the Plennegy Group, is a market
leader in Southern Africa regarding the distribution and ser-
vice of high-quality equipment for soil preparation, seed-
ing, spreading, hay and forage, and spraying.
Founded in 1999, originally trading as Kverneland South
Africa, the head office still remains in Pietermaritzburg in
the heart of the KwaZulu-Natal Midlands. With world renowned
brands such as Kverneland, McHale, Alpler, Dondi, Celikel,
AgriSpread and Andreoli, the passion we have for distributing the
best agricultural products in Southern Africa is emphasised.
With extremely knowledgeable sales specialists and product
managers supported by Jupidex branches and our extensive dealer
networks, we make it our goal to provide a professional service to the
producers in Southern Africa.
The company intends to show off its specialised product range
at the NAMPO Harvest Day, with a range of special prices that will
make it worth the producers’ while to come and visit our stand. We
are also launching a new product at NAMPO that will revolutionise
professional spraying in South Africa, so make sure to visit us at stand
B8 and B31.
Andreoli Atom 2 000
We will be launching the Andreoli 2 000 litre self-propelled sprayer
– the professional sprayer for orchards.
Engine rating: 95 h.p. @ 2 600 r.p.m., 420 Nm @ 1 000 r.p.m. with
110 A alternator with poly V belt.
2 100 litre fibreglass tank with acid proof treatment.
Two nozzle sections.
VAC 896 blower (896 mm fan diameter) with 60% of airflow direct-
ed upwards and the remaining airflow directed towards the sides.
Heavy duty hydrostatic pump and bent axis motor with automat-
ic change of displacement.
Pressurised cab with air-conditioning and heating along with air
filters against chemicals and dust.
Three steering modes: Four steer, two steer and four steer in-
phase (crab).
Adjustable machine height and ground clearance (hydraulic
Fully stainless-steel VAC blower (100% of airflow generated by the
fan reaches the vegetation).
Joystick with nozzle remote control switches.
GPS guidance system.
Automatic spray rates control.
Due to its unique power, manoeuvrability and ventilation effi-
ciency, the Andreoli Atom significantly reduces spraying time.
Special giveaway
Any customer who signs a purchase order for any McHale baler from
14 to 17 May will receive a Jupidex mini round baler for free, with the
delivery of their McHale baler.
The mini round baler is an affordable, small and lightweight
baler suitable for compact tractors of 15 h.p. The tines are tightly
spaced which allows it to pick up grass, hay, alfalfa, wheat and rice.
How to find us
You can find us at stand B8 and B31 or just be on the look-out for the
Jupidex branded balloon above our stand.
New product
will revolutionise
professional spraying
Special offers
McHale baler and Jupidex mini round baler special deal.
Jupidex will have a special pricelist for the NAMPO Harvest
Day, with major emphasis on our McHale balers. Conditions
We will have a whole host of giveaways for a select group
of lucky visitors at the festival.
Jupidex is the stand to visit this NAMPO to see the best
combination of machines in South Africa.
The Rolls Royce of balers, the McHale F5400 – pictured here with
the Jupidex mini round baler. The mini round baler is affordable,
small and lightweight – suitable for compact tractors of 15 h.p. The
tines are tightly spaced which allows it to pick up grass, hay, alfalfa,
wheat and rice.
The Andreoli Atom 2 000 litre self-propelled sprayer. The Andreoli
Atom will revolutionise spraying in South Africa, with features such as
a strong robust engine for the harsh climate, 896 Vac Blower for tall
trees, two nozzle sections, a 2 100 litre fibreglass tank and automatic
spray rates control – just to name a few. It will significantly improve
spraying efficiency and in turn reduce actual spraying time.