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November 2018


If you are patient, you will SUCCEED

’n Beter Suid-Afrika is moontlik


apoleon Hill, the American author of the book

Think and



said patience, persistence and perspiration

make an unbeatable combination for success. Ms Jenette

Thembi Shoba from Mpumalanga proved this to be true.

Although Shoba had to leave school early to earn an income to

provide for her family, she managed to put her siblings through

school on a domestic worker’s salary. With parents who were farm

workers, she always knew that there was no life without agriculture.

Therefore, when she returned to the farm in 1994, she set herself

one goal: To fight hunger.

As the winner of the Grain SA/Absa/John Deere Financial Subsis-

tence Farmer of the Year award this determined grandmother has

proven that she is now one of those who fight against hunger and

poverty in South Africa. She makes use of the services of the people

in her community to get the harvest off the field and shares the maize

with child-headed households.

Shoba became a member of Grain SA in 2014 and really began

enjoying farming once she joined a study group.

‘I thank Grain SA for all the support they have given me. Thank you

for opening my eyes and teaching me that before I can put seed

into the soil, I must understand the soil. I know now that if you

are patient, you will be successful,’ she said at the function on

12 October. Her patience was rewarded as she achieved a yield of

7,5 tons on her 1 ha last season.


raan SA het vanjaar as ’n organisasie besluit om die

redakteur van die


, mnr Chris Burgess,

met die Inspirasietoekenning te vereer. Hy ontvang hierdie

prestige-toekenning vir sy leiersrol in die organisering

van die eerste grondberaad wat gedurende Augustus op Bela-Bela

plaasgevind het.

Volgens mnr Jannie de Villiers, HUB van Graan SA, het Burgess

ongelooflike leierskap getoon om hierdie grondverskuiwende

transformasie-inisiatief saam met ander rolspelers die lig te laat

sien. “Dit is uit sy ondernemingsgees gebore en het die landbousek-

tor verenig en produsente van alle agtergronde bymekaar gebring.

Ons het na stories van produsente geluister en saam is van die

grootste uitdagings in ons land aangespreek.”

Vir Burgess is dit ’n besondere eer om die toekenning te ontvang.

“Hierdie was in der waarheid ’n spanpoging en ek dra die toekenning

aan my hele span op,” het hy gesê nadat hy die toekenning in

ontvangs geneem het. Dit was vir hom inspirerend om te sien hoe

mense bymekaar kom om uitdagings aan te spreek. Hy het Agri SA

en ook ander rolspelers in die bedryf vir hulle bydrae en

ondersteuning bedank.

Burgess het bygevoeg dat hy nooit gedroom het dat dié inisiatief

só suksesvol sou wees nie. “Ek is verstom oor die impak wat dit gehad

het. Dit was verblydend om te sien hoe landbou kan saamstaan.

Deur net met mekaar te praat, het oplossings vorendag gekom.

Dit het bewys dat ons as ’n land dinge anders kán doen en vir ons

nageslag beter kán maak.”

Hy glo die mense wat eintlik die toekenning moet ontvang, is

diegene wat sonder huiwering ingestem het om as sprekers aan die

beraad deel te neem. “Hierdie ongelooflike inspirerende individue

het gedoen wat andere gesê het onmoontlik is. Hulle het ’n verskil

in die land gemaak sonder om hul eie boerdery-ondernemings af

te skeep.


Awards ceremony

Subsistence Farmer of the Year category (0 ha - 10 ha)



SA Graan/Grain

editorial team and




SA Graan/Grain

redaksiespan en



The 2018 Grain SA/Absa/John Deere Financial Subsistence Farmer of the

Year, Jenette Shoba (centre), enjoys the special moment with her sister,

Sibongile Evelyn Mthethwa and daughter-in-law, Sibongile Beullah Mthethwa.

Jannie de Villiers

(regs) en die wenner

van die Inspirasie-


Chris Burgess.