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You never work alone


ayer’s Crop Science division takes

product stewardship very seriously.

The company supplies high-quality seed-

applied solutions in combination with the

best management practices around the


Focusing on risk mitigation, innovation

and partnerships is crucial for sustainable

agriculture – to maximise yield and avoid

negative impact on human health and the

environment. With its integrated system and

its fourfold competence, Bayer SeedGrowth

enables a stewardship approach that offers

customers support in whatever part they

play in the seed treatment business.

Seed treatments

– beneficial in every respect

Before looking at Bayer’s diverse product

stewardship, it’s important to understand

why seed treatment is so crucial for mod-

ern sustainable agriculture. Seed treatment

is an ancient agronomic practice. For more

than 3 000 years, seed treatments have

been a highly sophisticated means of pro-

tecting seed from pests and diseases and

ultimately improving yields.

Bayer SeedGrowth has more than 100 years

of unmatched experience and expertise

in seed treatment.

The benefits of seed-applied solutions for

the farmer include:

Secure field emergence

Uniform and healthier plants

Reliable, sustainable yields

Protection from pests and diseases

However, concerns about the potential im-

pact of seed treatment on operators and on

the environment require the best possible

stewardship measures that support the safe

use of seed treatment products.

Fourfold holistic approach

Bayer SeedGrowth, the fully integrated

system of seed-applied solutions, stands

for fourfold competence in seed treatment

products, equipment, coatings, and ser-

vices. Especially when it comes to prod-

ucts, Bayer is continually working on new

solutions and specific recommendations for

their safe use. In doing so, Bayer focuses in

its stewardship approach on the three pil-

lars: Risk mitigation, innovation and part-


To maximise the benefits derived from

product use and to minimise potential risks

to human health or the environment, this of-

fering is enhanced by comprehensive and

practical stewardship measures:

Individual information, training and rec-

ommendations for the highest possible

standards of application quality and

increased skills of breeders, treaters,

distributors and growers, such as opti-

mised loading and dosage of products,

personal protective equipment (PPE)

training measures, the best handling,

storage, seed cleaning equipment,

treatment, and transport practices,

waste management advice, and certifi-


Personal support and 24/7 service dur-

ing the seed treatment season for all

steps in the seed treatment process,

such as recipes, modifications of sow-

ing machines, plant certifications.

Detailed follow-up and ongoing moni-

toring of on-seed application quality

(seed loadings, Heubach values, etc.).

Ongoing efforts to develop new solu-

tions and specific best management


When this combination of Bayer Seed-

Growth seed-applied solutions and product

stewardship is implemented in practice,

the outcome is sustainable seed treatment

solutions that benefit all stakeholders.

Ten stewardship

commandments for good

seed-applied solutions

1. Purchase

Buy only high-quality treatment products

as only these ensure meeting the high-

est standards of safety for you and your


2. Transport

Equip transport vehicles with suitable safety

provisions including approval to transport

dangerous goods.

3. Storage

Make sure your storage area is in line with

the label requirements and properly con-

structed – to keep the product secure and

in good shape.

4. Quality

Use only best-quality seeds to achieve op-

timum seed treatment quality, clean them

gently to reduce organic dust levels and

calibrate the seed sizes (especially for corn).

High dust levels reduce the efficacy of treat-


5. Safety and cleanliness

Pay special attention to safety through regu-

lar and thorough cleaning and maintenance

of the treatment facility.

6. Recipe and methodology

Refer to the label and precisely follow the

approved and tested recipe, as well as the

required treatment steps and correct physi-

cal parameters (temperature, mixing speed,

time, etc.).

7. Protection

Ask everyone directly involved in the treat-

ing process to wear protective clothing to

avoid contamination.

8. Training

Organise regular operator training meas-

ures to ensure the whole treatment process

is executed in the safest possible way.

9. Waste

Organise waste management in optimal


10. Distribution

Make sure that the treated seeds are han-

dled, stored and transported safely.

For an e-brochure on Bayer SeedGrowth’s

stewardship commandments, please visit



March 2018



grower and channel marketing manager, Bayer SeedGrowth

1: Bayer has the latest technology in seed

treatment equipment.

2: We have many initiatives to safeguard our
