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08 Aug 2019

With more and more reports of unauthorized trucks loading grains on farms, we kindly wish to draw your attention to note the following points:

  • Obtain the registration numbers of trucks and names of the drivers from the buyer or broker prior to their arrival on the farm;
  • Should a truck not appear on the list, it should not be loaded with grain;
  • Complete the transport instruction form (if available) in full or check that the information has been fully completed;
  • If a transport instruction form is not available, collect all the information from the truck and driver;
  • Keep a copy of the transport instruction form at all times, together with the driver's cell phone number;
  • Always write down the information from the transporter's truck, including the time of loading and departure, and file this information as well;
  • Ensure you are aware of where the grains will be offloaded;
  • If you have the facilities, weight the empty truck prior to loading, and again after the grain has been loaded - this will significantly reduce grain losses; and finally
  • If you arranged the transport, ensure you have the contact details of the driver as well as the truck's registration number together with the agreed upon date and time of collection. Double check this information to avoid losses and trickery.