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Growing prosperity one seed at a time

December 2020

Arthur Schröder, Corn Go-to-Market Strategy Lead: Africa. Send an email to arthur.schroder@bayer.com  

To maximise your yield potential and ensure exceptional crop performance, Bayer is committed to continuously expanding our product range with cutting-edge solutions for your farm. Dekalb® innovation combines the latest germplasm with the newest biotechnology traits for maximum cultivar performance and yield potential. In doing so, Bayer’s Dekalb seed allows our farmers to produce more food with fewer resources.

DEKALB’s seed bags come in three sizes and include the following cultivar types: stack gene, YieldGard® Maize 2, Roundup Ready® Maize 2 and conventional cultivars. 

Insect and weed control are two critical aspects of maize production. In this regard, technology plays an enormous part in protecting your crops and making your life as a farmer a bit easier. For this reason, our stack gene cultivars hold the built-in benefits of both Roundup Ready Maize 2 and YieldGard Maize 2 technology to provide protection against weed and insects. 

With our Roundup® technology you can rest assured that your crops are protected against grasses and herbaceous weeds. Roundup contains glyphosate which not only enables broad-spectrum weed control, but also outstanding crop safety and flexibility to fit the way you farm. Our YieldGard Maize 2 cultivars offer excellent control against Busseola fusca (African maize stalk borer) and Chilo partellus (the sorghum stalk borer), as well as Spodoptera frugiperda (fall armyworm). 

Every DEKALB seed also holds the added benefits of Acceleron® for protection against nematodes, insects and seed- and soil-borne diseases to ensure that you get the most out of every bag. 

We understand that your farm is your passion, and your harvest is your pride. That is why we offer the best technology to give your crops the protection they deserve. For more information on our diverse cultivar ranges, visit our website or contact your nearest Bayer representative and let us help you grow prosperity. 

Roundup® contains 360 g glyphosate/ℓ. Caution. Reg. No. L0407 (Act No. 36 of 1947).
DEKALB®, Roundup Ready®, Roundup Ready® Maize 2, YieldGard® Maize 2 and Acceleron® are registered trademarks of Monsanto LLC.

  • Use products safely. 
  • Always read the label and product information before use for further guidelines.

Publication: December 2020

Section: Pula/Imvula
