chapter 5
One of the many benefits that the founding of Grain SA held was that all die grain
producers in South Africa were then represented by one organisation. This was
particularly important in liaison and negotiations with the government, because it
created a united front for all the grain and oilseed producers with the government.
Through the amalgamation, expertise that had been built up in the leadership and
staff over many years was combined in one organisation, with obvious benefits.
Different service structures were combined for the benefit of all the members, for
example the magazines, NAMPO Harvest Day, brokerage service and the provision
of market information.
At grassroots level amalgamation also contributed to the development of a feeling
of unity among producers across the borders of the different grain types.
Request for name change by Executive
At the meeting of the new Executive on 19 August 1999 the name of the ‘Grain
Producers Organisation’ was the subject of debate.
The relevant minutes indicate that Mr Kevin Starke had mentioned that the name
GPO ‘did not fall easy on the ears’. He requested alternatives to be considered.
At the suggestion of Mr Andries Beyers, seconded by Mr Starke, it was decided
to accept the name ‘Graan Suid-Afrika/Grain South Africa’, with the abbreviation
‘GSA’, as the new name. The request was made that a proposal in this regard be
submitted to Congress in 2000.
At a subsequent meeting of the Executive on 21 October 1999 Van Zyl reported
that the name ‘Graan Suid-Afrika/Grain South Africa’, with the abbreviation ‘GSA’,
was available and could be registered as trademark for the new organisation.
Feedback was also provided that the name ‘SA Graan/Grain’ had been regis-
tered as the name for the magazine and that a new masthead for the magazine
was being developed. The new masthead for the magazine was introduced on
1 January 2000.
Congress decision: Acceptance of ‘Graan Suid-Afrika/
Grain South Africa’ as new name
On 8 March 2000 Congress was informed that the Executive had to make a decision
on the name of the organisation.
Ms Milanie Vosloo, Managing Director of Ad-UPPE Advertising, introduced the new
corporate identity and logo for ‘Graan Suid-Afrika/Grain South Africa’ to Congress.
The Congress minutes reveal that Congress decided to ratify the name ‘Graan Suid-
Afrika/Grain South Africa’ and condone the steps already taken by the Executive to
acquire trademarks to protect the name.
Congress also approved the corporate identity and logo for Grain SA.
This ended the process of transition and the establishment of the new grain indus-
try organisation known as Grain SA. UPPE Marketing also developed a new logo
for the SA Graan/Grain magazine in the early 2000s.
NAMPO’s existing structures were used by the GPO, and NAMPO’s offices in
Bothaville served as head office, with an initial satellite office in Pretoria.
Messrs Nico Vermaak (former General Manager of NOPO) and Nico Hawkins (for-
mer General Manager of the WPO) were also absorbed into the structure of the
GPO and moved to the head office in Bothaville, while Mr Johan Swarts, Manager
of the SPO, took up a position in the satellite office in Pretoria.
Mr Gert Pretorius
Mr WT Myburg
Mr Welcome Ngxekana
Mr Basie Nstimane