chapter 5
control, livestock, money and financial services and – last but not least – informa-
tion on Grain SA, important contacts and an updated calendar for the coming year.
Grain SA’s annual report, which serves before Congress, contains full feedback on
the activities of the elected leadership and personnel corps during the year under
review and includes the audited financial results. A number of thematic flyers for
specific target audiences are produced annually.
In support of Grain SA’s public relations actions aimed at government role-
players a publication agreement was reached with Cape Media in 2012 for the
publication of the bimonthly
Harvest SA
. This contributed to creating a greater
awareness of the grain industry and its challenges with the target market, after
which the agreement ended in 2015.
Advertising campaigns
A TV advertising campaign aimed at government role-players was launched in 2013.
The message of the campaign involved the role of agriculture in food security, as
well as the impact on co-operation over a wide spectrum.
A TV advertising campaign was launched in
An ‘Agriculture gives life’ campaign and TV ad-
vertisement were launched in 2015.