grain and oilseed industry
of south africa – A journey through time
that a process of amalgamation should be followed in order to ultimately estab-
lish only one producer organisation for agriculturalists in South Africa. Messrs
Andries Beyers and Nico Hawkins were nominated by the WPO to serve on the
Steering Committee.
At the meeting the request was also made that talks be started with the SPO
with a view to possibly involve them in the process. As a result of the talks
Van Zyl subsequently had with the SPO, representatives from that organisation
participated in a planning meeting with the management committees on 17 No-
vember 1998. The Chairperson of the SPO, Mr Pieter Morkel, confirmed at this
meeting that the SPO supported the unification process.
On 17 November 1998 the management committees of NAMPO, NOPO, the
WPO and the SPO convened in the NAMPO Boardroom in Bothaville. This was
the first opportunity at which the four organisations met jointly on the process
of amalgamation.
At the meeting they decided among other things that the Steering Commit-
tee should get legal advice to prepare the final draft constitution for the new
organisation. The final dates for the dissolution congresses of the respective
organisations and the founding congress for the new organisation would be
set in January 1999. In the meantime, the integration process for the various
magazines had to continue.
Various recommendations for the name of the new organisation were considered,
including Grain Producers Organisation of South Africa (GPO), National Grain Pro-
ducers Organisation (NAGPO) and South African Grain Producers Organisation
(SAGPO). However, it was decided to reconsider the name of the new organisation
again in January 1999.
Van Zyl, nominated General Manager of the new organisation, was recovering at
home after bypass surgery and could not attend the meeting.
Steering Committee expanded
The Steering Committee was expanded to include representatives from all four
the producer organisations, namely NOPO, NAMPO, the SPO and WPO, and met
for the first time on 4 December 1998 with the brief to thresh out the details of the
process to amalgamate the four organisations. Specific attention had to be given
to matters like the name of the new organisation, the finalising of the constitution
in collaboration with the attorneys Hofmeyr Herbstein, servicing of special inter-
ests, membership and the organising of the closing and founding congresses. It
was resolved to hold the various dissolution congresses on 9 June 1999, with the
founding congress of the new organisation to be held on 10 June 1999.
Initially it was recommended that the organisation be known as the Grain Produc-
ers Organisation of South Africa. The Steering Committee recommended the fol-
lowing names, in order of preference:
• Grain Producers Organisation (GPO)
• Grain SA (GSA).
The principle was accepted that servicing of special interests must be continued
for each of the respective industries in the new organisation. This was already
established at the first congress of the new organisation with the introduction of
breakaway sessions for specialist working groups in order to discuss industry-
specific matters.
Recommendations were also made by the Steering Committee about the legal sta-
tus, objectives, profit objectives, powers and capacities, control structures and
location of the offices of the new organisation. The principle was accepted that
NAMPO would be the vehicle through which the new organisation would function
and that the assets of other organisations would be sold and the proceeds em-
ployed in the new organisation.
During the period from January to April 1999 the decision-making structures of
the respective organisations granted approval and final mandates in terms of their
constitutional requirements that the amalgamation process could continue.