December 2015
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CONGRESS, EXECUTIVE AND MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE In terms of the Constitution of Grain SA, Congress is the highest authority for policy decisions, and when Congress is not in session, the Executive is the highest authority. During Congress, policy is determined for Grain SA, and is then implemented via the Executive and working groups of the Executive. |
KONGRES, HOOFBESTUUR EN DAGBESTUUR In terme van die Grondwet van Graan SA is Kongres die hoogste gesag vir beleidsbesluite en wanneer die Kongres nie in sitting is nie, die Hoofbestuur. Tydens Kongres word beleid vir Graan SA bepaal, wat daarna via die Hoofbestuur en Werkgroepe van die Hoofbestuur uitgevoer word. |
Annual Congress The Annual Congress took place at NAMPO Park on 4 and 5 March 2015. The Congress is constituted in terms of the Grain SA constitution, with a total of 372 representatives representing 31 grain producer districts. |
Jaarkongres Die Jaarkongres het op 4 en 5 Maart 2015 te NAMPO Park plaasgevind. Die Kongres word in terme van die Graan SA Grondwet gekonstitueer, met ‘n totaal van 372 afgevaardigdes verteenwoordigend van 31 graanprodusentstreke. |
Format and theme of Congress The Congress theme focused on ‘Sustainable grain production during land reform’. The Congress format made provision for two panel discussions, with the following themes:
The process of discourse during the panel sessions was facilitated by Max du Preez (journalist and writer). |
Formaat en tema van Kongres Die Kongrestema het gefokus op “Volhoubare graanproduksie tydens grondhervorming”. Die Kongresformaat het voorsiening gemaak vir twee paneelbesprekings, met die volgende temas:
Die proses van diskoers tydens die paneelsessies is gefasiliteer deur Max du Preez (joernalis en skrywer). |
Recognition during Congress During Congress recognition was given to:
The wide support of the news media, attendance by large numbers of guests and senior government representatives indicate that the Grain SA Congress is viewed as a highlight on the agricultural calendar. Executive and Management Committee The Executive comprises elected representatives from the various regions. The Executive convened on three occasions during the reporting period. Various policy matters were dealt with and taken to the highest level via internal working groups, committees and other liaising activities. A network of role-players in the industry is maintained through the representation of the organisation by Executive members on several boards, trusts, forums, technical committees and other entities. This is done to ensure that the cause of the grain producer is promoted at the highest level. The Management Committee focuses on financial and personnel matters and also deals with matters when the Executive is not in session. An award for excellence is made to an Executive member every year. The 2015 award went to Andries Theron. Training opportunities were also offered before every Executive meeting. |
Erkenning tydens Kongres Erkenning is tydens Kongres gegee aan:
Die wye ondersteuning van die nuusmedia, bywoning van groot getalle gaste en senior verteenwoordigers van die owerheid dui daarop dat die Graan SA Kongres as hoogtepunt in die landboukalender geag word. Hoofbestuur en Dagbestuur Die Hoofbestuur bestaan uit verkose verteenwoordigers van die onderskeie streke. Hoofbestuur het tydens die verslagtydperk met drie geleenthede vergader. Verskeie beleidsaangeleenthede is hanteer en by wyse van interne werkgroepe, komitees en ander skakelaksies tot op hoogste vlak gevoer. ‘n Netwerk met rolspelers in die bedryf word gehandhaaf, deurdat hoofbestuurslede die organisasie in verskeie direksies, trusts, forums, tegniese komitees en ander entiteite verteenwoordig. Sodoende word verseker dat die saak van die graanboer tot op hoogste vlak bevorder word. Die Dagbestuur fokus op finansiële en personeelaangeleenthede, en handel ook met sake wanneer die Hoofbestuur nie in sitting is nie. ‘n Toekenning vir uitnemendheid word jaarliks aan ‘n hoofbestuurslid oorhandig. Die 2015-erekenning is aan Andries Theron toegeken. Opleidingsgeleenthede word ook voor elke hoofbestuursvergadering aangebied. |
GRAIN SA INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Support and maintenance In consultation with an external service provider, Emid, Grain SA follows the best practice for information technology. Grain SA website ( The Grain SA website was upgraded to meet new requirements and is maintained by ThoughtCorp. The website was expanded with a comprehensive data management system for the Farmer Development section to support interactive management actions from the various regions. Visitors to the Grain SA website are monitored continuously. Most visits occur during May, when more information is required on the NAMPO Harvest Day. SA Graan/Grain magazine is available on the website in eBook format. STAFF MANAGEMENT Staff turnover The staff turnover for the reporting period was twelve persons. The full staff corps numbers 68. Skills development A skills development plan for the period April to March was submitted to the AgriSETA. Grain SA pursues the development and empowerment of all staff and various training opportunities and courses were offered to staff. A skills development committee meets every quarter. Employment equity Grain SA complies with the statutory requirements for the submission of reports to the Department of Labour, as set out in the Employment Equity Act No. 55 of 1998. An employment equity committee meets every quarter. Performance evaluation A performance evaluation of all staff is managed on a six-monthly basis in consultation with department heads. PARTNERSHIPS WITH FUNDERS OF GRAIN SA PROJECTS Funds from the Maize Trust, the Sorghum Trust, the Oil and Protein Seed Development Trust (OPDT) and the Winter Cereal Trust constitute a material contribution to the Grain SA budget. Interim reports and annual reports were submitted to the trusts. Factual findings by the external auditors of Grain SA (PricewaterhouseCoopers) were submitted to support financial reporting. Grain SA would like to express its gratitude to the Winter Cereal Trust, Maize Trust, Sorghum Trust and OPDT for their continued support. NAMPO GEBOUE (PTY) LTD The Grain SA building in Bothaville was transferred to the new owner in February 2015 after it had been sold. The Grain SA staff in Bothaville moved to NAMPO Park during December 2015 to utilise existing facilities optimally.
GRAAN SA INLIGTINGSTEGNOLOGIE Ondersteuning en instandhouding Graan SA volg, in oorleg met ‘n eksterne diensverskaffer Emid, die beste praktyk vir inligtingstegnologie. Graan SA-webtuiste ( Die Graan SA-webtuiste is opgegradeer om aan nuwe vereistes te voldoen, en word deur ThoughtCorp onderhou. Die webtuiste is uitgebrei met ‘n omvattende databestuurstelsel vir die afdeling Landbou-Ontwikkeling, om interaktiewe bestuursaksies uit die onderskeie streke te rugsteun. Besoekers aan die Graan SA-webtuiste word deurlopend gemonitor. Die meeste besoeke vind plaas gedurende Mei, wanneer meer inligting oor die NAMPO-Oesdag verlang word. SA Graan/Grain-tydskrif is in eBoek-formaat op die web beskikbaar. PERSONEELBESTUUR Personeelomset Die personeelomset vir die verslagtydperk was twaalf persone. Die volle personeelkorps beloop 68. Vaardigheidsontwikkeling ‘n Vaardigheidsontwikkelingsplan is by AgriSETA ingedien vir April tot Maart. Graan SA streef na die ontwikkeling en bemagtiging van alle personeel, en verskeie opleidingsgeleenthede en kursusse is aangebied. ‘n Vaardigheidsontwikkelingskomitee vergader kwartaalliks. Gelyke indiensneming Graan SA voldoen aan die statutêre vereistes van indiening van verslae van die Departement van Arbeid, soos uiteengesit in die Wet op Gelyke Indiensneming, Wet 55 van 1998. ‘n Gelyke Indiensnemingskomitee vergader kwartaalliks. Prestasie-evaluasie Prestasie-evaluasie van alle personeel word op ‘n sesmaandelikse-basis in oorleg met departementshoofde bestuur. VENNOOTSKAPPE MET BEFONDSERS VAN GRAAN SA-PROJEKTE Fondse vanaf die Mielietrust, Sorghumtrust, Olie- en Proteïensade Ontwikkelingstrust (OPOT) en Wintergraantrust vorm ‘n wesenlike bydrae tot die Graan SA-begroting. Tussentydse verslae en jaarverslae is aan die trusts voorgelê. Feitelike bevindinge deur Graan SA se eksterne ouditeure (PricewaterhouseCoopers) is aangebied om finansiële verslagdoening te ondersteun. Graan SA betuig waardering teenoor die Wintergraantrust, Mielietrust, Sorghumtrust en OPOT vir volgehoue ondersteuning. NAMPO GEBOUE (EDMS) BPK Die Graan SA-gebou te Bothaville, is gedurende Februarie 2015 aan die nuwe eienaar oorgedra ná die verkoop daarvan. Die Graan SA-personeelspan te Bothaville het in Desember 2015 na NAMPO Park verskuif om bestaande fasiliteite optimaal te benut.
Publication: December 2015
Section: Corporate Services