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A word from… Pieter de Jager

July 2024

It was a great honour to get recognition from the GRAIN industry for something I am passionate about. A commendation from the industry shows that you are doing something right and that people notice it. 

For me the biggest value of the Grain Producer of the Year evaluation process was what I learned about myself and my farming operation. It’s not just about winning, but about self-development and I believe this is also what Grain SA wants to achieve through this competition. 

The completion of the questionnaire gave me good insight into my business and farming methods. I discovered what my strengths are, and which areas still needed some polishing. Therefore, I would like to share some advice that has contributed to my success as a farmer with Pula Imvula readers.

  • Ask questions because this is how you learn, but don't just copy someone else’s methods – make sure the advice can work for your unique situation. 
  • Be dedicated because farming is hard work. It is not an eight-to-five job. When you think you are done, there is always something else to do. 
  • Set goals – medium-term and long-term goals, because this is how your business will grow.
  • Practise sound financial management and practices. It makes no sense to spend a lot of money on soil health, just to discover there is no money left for diesel when you want to plant.
  • If you want to be successful, you must take responsibility for your own business. You can’t blame anyone else when things go wrong. Other people may assist you, but at the end of the day the responsibility is yours.

– Pieter de Jager was the 2023 Grain SA/Syngenta Grain Producer of the Year and farms in the Albertinia­ region in the Western Cape. 

Publication: July 2024

Section: Pula/Imvula
