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New high-performance fungicide launched


rysta LifeScience is leading the

way for innovative crop solutions

for the grower. Our well-integrated

portfolio of biological and chemi-

cal solutions includes seed treatments, fun-

gicides, herbicides, insecticides and a vast

array of biosolutions.

From planting to harvest, Arysta Life-

Science has a complete solution to help

you succeed. Aligned with this commit-

ment, Arysta this season proudly launches

Evito® T, our latest high performance fungi-

cide on maize and sugarcane.

It is a systemic fungicide suspension com-

prising of the two complementary active

ingredients: Fluoxastrobin and tebucona-

zole. Fluoxastrobin is a next-generation

strobilurin fungicide marketed by Arysta

LifeScience that is also under development

in a number of geographies on a wide range

of crops.

Fluoxastrobin is a broad-spectrummulti-use

fungicide that has been designed for opti-

mum retention, penetration and distribution

within plants. One of the unique strengths

of this strobilurin is the rapid penetration

into the leaf and leaf surface, providing

rain-fastness and speed of activity.

Used primarily as a protectant fungicide,

Fluoxastrobin has outstanding residual pro-

perties, although the molecule does have

some curative properties. As with nearly all

fungicides, it should be used in a preventa-

tive programme. Fluoxastrobin-based prod-

ucts have been demonstrated to be very

effective when used as foliar sprays, in-

furrow and soil applications and seed


Tebuconazole is a triazole fungicide with a

broad spectrum action on a variety of crops.

It is characterised primarily by its high effi-

cacy and performance, its protection period

and its systemic diffusion with very good

penetration and repartition into the plant.

The benefits of this combination increases

flexibility of application, with both protec-

tive and early curative actions. This further

ensures quick protection and better man-

agement of field resistance with different

modes of action.

What differentiates Evito T? It is distin-

guished by its Xylem Pro Technology™.

Fluoxastrobin was designed to provide the

optimum balance of lipid and aqueous sol-

ubility for penetration into the leaf cuticle,

residual effect and translocation through

the plant.

Fluoxastrobin residues form a ‘reservoir’

of active ingredient in leaf tissues and pro-

vides outstanding performance under a

variety of conditions. Well-known for its

superior systemicity, fluoxastrobin pene-

trates leaves rapidly and moves throughout

treated leaves quickly, forming a uniform

protective barrier against fungi.

Strobilurins and most systemic fungicides

exhibit primarily acropetal systemicity. That

is, they move in the same direction as water

flow within the xylem. This is in contrast to

basipatal movement – where some agro-

chemicals, such as many herbicides, move

downward with the flow in plant phloem.

This characteristic, as well as rapid penetra-

tion and transport, has been trademarked

as ‘Xylem Pro Technology’.

Promotes plant health and

helps achieve crop’s yield


Fluoxastrobin has been shown to provide

a wide variety of plant health benefits, fre-

quently resulting in improved yield and

quality. These effects have been demon-

strated to be of particular value in maize and

cereals (not yet registered is South Africa).

Strobilurin chemistry has been demonstrat-

ed to affect a wide variety of physiological

processes, including:

Reduced ethylene production;

increased efficiency of carbon assimila-


increased nitrogen fixation;

increased water utilisation efficiency;


more efficient uptake and use of nutri-


These effects translate to a number of plant

health benefits, such as slowing effects of

maturing, which keeps the plant greener

longer and extends grain fill time, increased

opportunity for the crop to maximise yield

potential and tolerance to adverse condi-

tions and quicker recovery.

Several large-scale demonstration trials

were conducted throughout the different

regions. Evito T consistently exhibited su-

perior performance in disease control in all

trials when compared to the farm fungicide

programme. This fungicide is a highly ad-

vanced, highly systemic strobilurin that gets

into the plant fast, and delivers long-lasting

and reliable results.

Therefore, you get more protection from

disease and hence more overall fungicide

performance, ensuring peace of mind and

value for money. These attributes, together

with the plant health benefits, have resulted

in improved yields observed in the demon-

stration trials (see

Photo 1


Arysta LifeScience is continuing with fur-

ther development of Evito T on a variety of

crops. This is certainly another superior per-

forming solution which reiterates our prom-

ise of excellence to our customer.


September 2017


Integrated pest control



product manager: Row Crops and Sugarcane, Arysta LifeScience

Evito T treated

Producer standard

1: 2016/2017 demonstration trials on the High-

veld, indicating superior plant health benefits

of Evito T, allowing for a greater number of

cobs and better, efficient grain fill, all impact-

ing on superior yield (left 18 rows/cob, middle

16 rows/cob and right 14 rows/cob).