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November 2017


The future of farming is in his hands


he winner of the Grain SA/Syngen-

ta Smallholder Farmer of the Year

award, Mr Thembalihle Tobo, has

gained a number of skills through

his varied career which includes being

a soldier in the military and a business

man. He is also currently busy with his BA

Degree in Criminology. Although variety

makes his life more interesting, his passion

for farming will keep him where his roots

are – on the 25 ha of communal land,

Ndunge, near Mbizana in the Eastern Cape.

After losing his wife in 2016, he focussed

on his farming operation and training his

young son, Aphiwe, about the ins and outs

of maize production. Thanks to a healthy

rainy season, his 15 ha of maize brought in

a harvest of more than 5 t/ha. The white

maize is sold directly to a miller in Mbizana,

while the yellow maize is sold in Kokstad

– apart from the 20% which is kept for his

cattle and sheep. With the assistance of his

sister, Nomhle, his soymilk value-adding

operation is steadily growing. Tobo is a firm

believer in the health benefits of soybeans.

This chairperson of the Ndunge Study

Group became an active member of

Grain SA in 2006. He organises meetings

and conducts farmers days in his area as he

is keen to share his knowledge with devel-

oping farmers. He is focussed on soil health

for long-term growth and believes that with

agricultural activities in the area, the pre-

vailing poverty could be improved consid-

erably. ’If Ndunge and Bizana farmers work

together, they could become the feeders of

the nation,’ he mentioned in an interview.

As he is passionate about the future of farm-

ing, he works side-by-side with the Grain SA

team, overseeing and maintaining trials for

a range of maize and soybean seed varieties

being done in the area.


Awards Ceremony

Barnard vat voor en help

produsente in nood


ie net is mnr Janes Barnard van Vlakplaas Boerdery in

die Hoopstad-omgewing as Graanprodusent van die Jaar

2011 aangewys nie, maar hy is ook ‘n leier en inspirasie vir

ons land se produsente en die gemeenskap in moeilike tye.

Hiervoor het hy vanjaar die Graan SA Inspirasietoekenning ontvang.

Met die droogte vroeër vanjaar het Barnard besluit om die produ-

sente in die Noord-Kaap (Boesmanland en

Namakwaland) te help deur mielies vir hul

diere te bekom. Barnard

het sy medeprodusente

en boereverenigings

gevra om saam met

hom hande te vat en

dié produsente,

wat onder die

erge droogte ge-

buk gaan, te help

met mielies en

voer. Graan SA

het voorts landboumaatskappye gevra om rekeninge oop te maak

waarin produsente skenkings kon maak.

“Toe ek my oë uitvee, toe sit ek met 1 000 ton plus-mielies en binne

‘n kwessie van ‘n week het ek R1 miljoen se skenkings in die vorm

van vervoer ontvang om die mielies na dié gebied te vervoer,” het hy

in sy bedankingstoespraak gesê.

Hy sê hy was maar net die instrument wat God gebruik het om dié

produsente te help. “Dit is God wat almal se harte oopgemaak het

om skenkings aan dié produsente te maak.”

Barnard het ‘n ander persepsie van die gesegde: “Gee met een hand

en jy sal met twee hande terug ontvang”. “Jy het nie nodig om eers

te gee om terug te ontvang nie. Elkeen wat vanaand hier sit is reeds

met ‘dubbelhande’ geseën. Twee jaar terug was ons in dieselfde

situasie, waar as gevolg van die droogte ons nie ‘n mieliepit kon

plant nie. Vanjaar is ons geseënd met die grootste oes in die

geskiedenis van hierdie land en ek voel dit is nou ons beurt om

terug te gee. Dit wat ons het, is net genade van Bo.”

Hy het ‘n beroep op elkeen die aand teenwoordig gedoen om

terug te gaan na hul distrikte en boereverenigings en te vra vir nóg

mielies en skenkings. “As elkeen van ons net ‘n klein bietjie gee, kan

ons die produsente deur hierdie krisis help. Daar is steeds ‘n groot

behoefte aan mielies en voer in dié gebied,” het hy gesê.

Janes Barnard en sy

vrou, Tania.

Foto: Helenus Kruger


SA Graan/Grain




SA Graan/Grain


Smallholder Farmer of the Year category (10 ha, but producing less than 250 tons)

Thembalihle Tobo

receiving his winning

certificate at the Day

of Celebration on

5 October this

year. He could not

attend the Awards

Ceremony on

13 October, due to

cultural commitments.