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March 2017

which is correlated to positive changes in

soil health parameters due to the effect of

plant roots, such as soil porosity, root chan-

nels, soil organic matter and improved soil


Improvements in these parameters will

help to increase water infiltration and root

growth in a soil that is typically not tilled

under CA conditions. Finally, higher crop

densities can improve the distribution and

amount of crop residues after harvesting,

which will have a further significant impact

on soil health and yield over the longer term.

Crop density trials were planted by the

producers to ascertain whether cultivation

practices (tillage, strip-till and no-till) may

lead to different crop density recommen-

dations. There were quite a few factors and

practices that differed between the pro-

ducer-managed trials, but it is envisaged

that the important reactions and influences

of various treatments, such as plant popula-

tion and row width, will become clear over


This study also includes results from an on-

farm trial where maize was planted directly

after winter cover crops. Some results of

soybean trials will also be presented here.

Maize plant density trials

Yields for the different plant density trials

are shown in

Graph 1

. It was a very difficult

year due to early season droughts which

caused a lot of the variability that was ob-

served. Rainfall normalised during the latter

half of the season.

Although Graph 1c to Graph 1f show mean

yields of more than 7 t/ha for no-till maize as

compared to less than 6 t/ha for convention-

al and strip-tilled plots (Graph 1a and 1b), it

will be premature to come to final conclu-

sions regarding cultivation practices after

only one year’s data.

There is not much to be said about the ef-

fect of row widths at this stage (Graph 1e

and Graph 1f). Graph 1e and 1f show yields

of two trials that were planted next to each

other and analysis of variance showed that

the effect of row width was not significant.

Differences due to varying plant popula-

tions were generally not as large as one

would have expected and the trends were

not clear. This was due to the ability of the

crops to compensate for different plant

populations. Results are not shown, but it

was found that head number per plant that

increased with lower plant populations was

a prominent way of compensating for plant

population differences.

Graph 1c (farm with the longest no-till his-

tory) tends to suggest persistent yield in-

creases up to the highest plant population.

Long-term monitoring will clarify this obser-


Maize planted after winter

cover crops

Photo 1

shows how some strips of winter

cover crops looked just before they were

killed by herbicide application in October


Graph 2a

shows drier soils just before

the summer planting season commenced

when a winter cover crop was planted.

Cover crop depletion of soil water was,

however, not worse than evaporative water

loss from a neighbour’s bare soil that was

conventionally tilled (

Graph 2b


Graph 2a - 2b: Comparison of water content for two soil layers on 14 October 2015 between Graph 2a

winter cover crop and no-till control and between Graph 2b conventional and no-till plot.

1: Winter cover crop strip plots with vetch in

the foreground followed by wheat (right) and

then radish, oats (white and black), triticale

and rye.

Graph 3: Soil water infiltration rates measured in December 2015 to demonstrate differences be-

tween no-till, conventional tillage and no-till with a winter cover crop.

Graph 4: Maize yields for different winter cover crop and row width treatment combinations.


