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Agsun 8251

Agsun 5264

Agsun 5278

Agsun 5270


waarop mens




Evaluation of the pilot field trial after six weeks of planting showed

that the seed treatment significantly improved soybean seedling es-

tablishment (36%) compared to the untreated control (

Photo 6



In other countries, it is clear that integrated management strate-

gies that at least include seed treatment, resistance/tolerance and

proper crop rotation are essential to sustainably manage soilbor-

ne diseases of soybean.

Although management strategies have been tested in other coun-

tries, they have not been properly tested and applied in South

Africa. Among the fungicides evaluated, potential fungicides suitable

and effective as seed treatment on soybeans were identified.

In order to verify these results under field conditions, cultivars with

tolerance/resistance against important soilborne pathogens of

soybean needs to be identified, as well as pre-crops (rotation crops)

that are either non-host or have some degree of tolerance/resistan-

ce to the soybean pathogens evaluated.

The ideal practice in combating the soilborne diseases of soybean

is to combine the best of the three strategies. This will ensure the

sustainability of the management practice with considerably lower

input cost.


We thank the Protein Research Foundation and Agricultural Re-

search Council (ARC) for supporting this research. Special thanks

to Annelie de Beer for providing soybean seeds and

planting the pilot field trials and Alta Schoeman and

Thabo Phasoana for technical assistance.

Soilborne diseases


Hou die Mei-uitgawe van

SA Graan/Grain

dop vir ons splinter-

nuwe twee fokusse: Wapens en jag

asook westelike streeksfokus.

Belangstellende adverteerders

kan vir Jurgen van Onselen

kontak by 082 417 3874 of

Ruth Schultz by 072 855 2450.