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his article is the 15th in a series of articles highlighting a

specific pasture crop species that can play an imperative

role in conservation agriculture (CA) based crop-pasture

rotations. Besides improving the physical, chemical, hydro-

logical and biological properties of the soil, such species, in-

cluding annual or perennial cover crops, can successfully be

used as animal feed.

Livestock production systems are in many ways dependant on

the utilisation of pasture species, in this case as a pasture ley crop

and can therefore become an integral component of CA-based

crop-pasture rotations.

It is imperative to identify a pasture species fulfilling the require-

ments of a dual purpose crop, i.e. for livestock fodder and/or soil

restoration. This article focuses on a root forage crop commonly

used in the winter season as a crop to improve soil conditions and

to provide cover in the winter months of a summer rainfall region.

This annual crop could possibly succeed a perennial grass pasture

prior to planting the next season of grain crops.

Raphanus sativus


Radish (also commonly known as Japanese, forage or tillage rad-

ish) is an annual plant that originates in East Asia and Europe. This

forage crop is well-known in the cooler summer rainfall regions of

South Africa.

The root component of the crop comprises approximately 50% of

the total production, with moisture content as high as 90%. Both the

leaf and root material of this crop can be used as young fresh mate-

rial in winter or carried over to late winter or early spring for fodder.

The most common cultivar is Nooitgedacht, with alternative culti-

vars such as Samurai, Sakurajuma, Star 1650 and 1651 and a soft

leaf cultivar by the name of Sterling.

Agro-ecological distribution

This crop is adapted to the cooler eastern parts of the country;

where rainfall is reasonably reliable during January to April. More

recently, alternative cultivars are being grown in the western parts

of the country as well.

This species is both cold- and drought-resistant, but not toler-

ant of waterlogged conditions. Radishes grow best when planted

early enough to allow six weeks of growth before regular frosts.

Radishes are winter hardy plants and are tolerant of light frosts,

but generally show injury when temperatures drop below the -0°C.

A suitable rainfall for radish production requires a minimum of

650 mm per annum and it proliferates with a good autumn rain.

Management and utilisation

This crop is best established on sand to sandy loam soils that have

a good water holding capacity. Often well-drained clay soils with

good water holding capacity are also suitable. The normal planting

date is January/February, however, in the cooler eastern Highveld

regions, the crop can be planted as early as middle December.

If this crop is planted too early, this species tends to flower prema-

turely, not allowing sufficient root formation to occur. Late plantings

could potentially result in insufficient soil moisture reserves.

When this crop is planted in rows, it is recommended that rows

are planted 90 cm apart with plant interspacing of 35 cm - 50 cm

from each other. However, when planted as a cover crop, denser

seeding rates are used (usually broadcasted) and narrower rows of

maximum 50 cm apart are preferred. The seeding rate of 2 kg/ha

in rows is advised and 4 kg/ha when sown in a broadcast fashion.

A pre-establishment herbicide, for example Treflan, can be used

to control grass and some broad leaved weeds. A product such as

Dual can be used to control weeds that emerge once the crop has

surfaced. Karate pesticide can be used to control cut worms.

Radish reacts well to a good fertilisation of phosphate (P) and potas-

sium (K) before establishment. Fertilisation should initially strive to

obtain at least 20 mg/kg of P and 140 mg/kg of K.

Under dryland conditions 50 kg - 70 kg N/ha are recommend-

ed, whereas irrigated conditions will require two applications of

75 kg N/ha each. Many producers and researchers are experimen-

ting with cover crop mixtures that combine radish with legume

cover crops that fix N (e.g. grazing vetch) and temperate grasses (e.g.

black oats), hence providing more persistent residues.


University of Pretoria,


Grass SA,


Grain SA and


ARC-Animal Production Institute

Integrated crop and pasture-based

livestock production systems

– Part 15


Conservat ion



Conservation agriculture


June 2015