precision farming to awholenew level
he big attraction at JohnDeere’s stand at NAMPO this year was
the John Deere FarmSight room. Products which fall under the
FarmSight umbrellawill reduce a producer’s input and labour costs
and increase efficiency.
Oneof theseproducts is theJDLink system,whichenableproducers
tomonitor machinery from their office computer or from a mobile
device such as an iPad, tablet or smart phone. This new technology
will be available inSeptember this year.
for JohnDeere
Junie 2014
1: Remote Display Access (RDA) and Wireless Data Transfer (WDT)
are the two programmes that come out with this system. “RDA
enables the producer or dealer to assist the operator with
machine setup and making adjustments,” Lance Fourie (instructor: Ag
Management Solutions, John Deere sub-Sahara Africa), standing at this
system, said. In the past, producers had todownload the data on the dis-
playontoaUSB flashdriveand then transfer thedata toa computer. “The
producer can nowmake aWDT from the GreenStar display to his or her
ownpersonalisedprofileon the
website. Thisdata can
also be sharedwith the producer’s agronomist who can analyse the data
and write a recommendation, whereafter the producer can again access
this recommendationon the
website,” Fourie said.
2: John Deere Field Connect is another product that forms part of
John Deere FarmSight. It allows you tomonitor moisture levels at vari-
ous depths. This information can also be sent to the
website, where one can access the data on your computer ormobile de-
viceandmakeadjustments tochange themoistureconditions.Addition-
al environmental sensors to this product include: A leafwetness sensor,
temperature sensor,weather station andpyranometer.
Other JohnDeere innovations
3: Lafras Cronje (strategic marketing manager: John Deere) and
GaryMohr (global product marketingmanager: Orthman) are standing
at the newOrthman 1tRIPr XDR strip-till and planter combo. This com-
bo combines the benefits of strip-till with the precision of John Deere
planter units. It offers ideal seedbed preparation, precision nutrient
placement andoptimal root-zone conditioningwithprecise anddurable
seeddepth and spacing.
4a: The R4030 sprayer is the new John Deere sprayer on the market.
One of its many new features is the integrated direct injection system.
It provides up to 511-L (135-gal.) of additional carrying capacity for raw
chemicals and allows injection of up to two separate products directly
into theboom. The concentration rate canbe controlledwhiledriving.
4b: Another great feature is that within four hours you can convert this
R4030 sprayer into a fertiliser spreader.
5: The 6M tractor series is the new kid on the block. The horsepower
(hp) of this series has been increased with 5 hp and although it has
more power, the fuel consumption is less. Another great improvement
is that the lighting system has increased by 185%. Craig Hutton and
Abri Viljoen, both farmers from theMidlands region, came to check out
the6170M tractoratJohnDeere’sstandat the2014NAMPOHarvestDay.
6: The newGator RSX850i Sport is a recreational utility vehicle that has
great featuressuchas full four-wheel independent suspension, 62hpand
it can reach a top speedof 92 km/h.
7: TheGreenSystemPull-typeHarvester ismeant for the small scale farmer
or the farmerwhodoesnotwant toharvestabigpieceof land. It comesout
in a one-rowbagger or tank and in a two-row tank. These harvesters have
acapacity rangeof 5 to10ha/day. PatrickKubyana (product engineer: John
Botswana,more informationon theone-rowbagger/tankharvester.