Augustus 2015
It’s not the colour of our skin,
but the colour of our heart that matters
s Jenny Mathews, producer from Sannieshof in the
North West Province, has been very involved in or-
ganised agriculture in the past years. She was the first
women to serve as a Grain SA member of the executive
and is still chairman of the board of the Grain Farmer Development
Association (GFADA).
“When I finished my teaching career in 2000 I had the specific
intention of becoming a producer and a partner in our family farm-
ing enterprise. I started out as a Charolais stud cattle and sheep
producer and grew maize under the mentorship of my husband,
John. I had always been intrigued by the activities of the producer
organisation Grain SA, which I was quite well-informed about by
our cousin and active Grain SA member of the executive, Derek
Mathews. It was his inspiration that motivated me to join the ranks
of this active producer organisation which keeps its finger on the
pulse of the grain industry.
“It was an honour to represent the producers of Delareyville, Bar-
berspan and Sannieshof and I believe it is an honour to say that
I was the first woman to serve as a Grain SA member of the execu-
tive from March 2005 - March 2012. I however still continue to serve
as a representative for Grain SA in my position as chairman of the
board of GFADA,” Jenny said.
What made her get involved?
Jenny believes that we only have one life to live and a responsibil-
ity to live it well. “I truly believe it’s not okay to stand by and watch
others lobby for my cause unless I am doing my bit too,” she said.
When she realised that as a family they are committed to the soils
of South Africa and her three sons all showed early signs of choos-
ing life in South Africa – and a life on the soil, she decided that
she would do what she could to keep her finger on the pulse of agri-
culture in South Africa.
Challenges for emerging farmers
Jenny has been very involved in developing agriculture – espe-
cially since she joined the Grain SA executive. “The educator in me
was very excited to learn about Grain SA’s dedicated Grain Farmer
Development programme, headed up by the dynamic Ms Jane
McPherson, so I immediately signed up to be a member of that
working group. I had wanted to find a way to make a small contribu-
tion towards the healing of this land and I saw this as an opportu-
nity. This encounter changed my life. I recently told Jane that she,
together with her awesome, incredible team of beautiful people,
opened my eyes to something truly wonderful happening at grass-
roots agriculture; and the farmers who I have met along the way,
have changed my heart.
“I have met so many beautiful people who work hard, long hours
with a smile on their faces. They see my heart and not the colour of
my skin. My motto has become: ‘It’s not the colour of our skin, but
the colour of our heart that matters.’” According to Jenny many of
the emerging farmers’ challenges are exactly the same as for com-
mercial producers, since agriculture in general is extremely stress-
ed and profitability is under heavy pressure. “Producers are just
struggling to survive, especially after the terrible 2014/2015 season
which saw many crop failures. This is exacerbated for many emerg-
ing farmers because they struggle to access finance for inputs and
they often do not hold the title to their farms so they can’t use the
land as security. The truly dedicated farmers who I have met are
hard workers who not only need mentorship and education, but
also recapitalisation funding to ensure that their businesses get a
fair chance of survival. Just to give any man or woman a piece of
land is not a recipe for successful land reform,” she said.
Advice to producers’ wives
Jenny laughs when asked what advice she has for producers’
wives. “This is a toughie – I want to say something lovely, like
‘Always be supportive and ready with a kind, encouraging word…’,
but in truth, I have sometimes been so frustrated and weary from
the uphill struggle, that I have hassled my poor husband many
times! The thing that impacts me more than the economies of
farming is the political negativity which makes it feel like produc-
ers are made out to be the worst people in the country and this
onslaught on producers seem unending. The political games that
are played around land issues makes me so sad – and yet it is the
beautiful hearts of the producers all over this country which lifts
me up and fills me with a passion for South Africa, energises me and
gives me hope once more.
“My advice therefore to producers’ wives is: Find your passion.
Discover what your true purpose in life is. Press into the Father’s
heart and find that place which fulfils you and reveals His purpose
for you. That is what will give happiness and from that will spring the
energy to be the involved, supportive and encouraging producer’s
wife you need to be,” she concluded.
SA Graan/Grain
More about Jenny
Jenny was born and educated in Estcourt, KwaZulu-
Natal and studied at the University of Natal in Pieter-
maritzburg, where she met her husband, John.
They worked on the Ncora Irrigation Scheme in the
then Transkei and she taught at Falo Senior Second-
ary in the Cofimvaba district. John was then given an
opportunity to farm on the family farm near Sannies-
hof where they currently grow maize, sunflowers and
groundnuts and raise livestock.
They have three sons. Today the boys are all farming
with them, adding new ideas and skills to the business
and raising the new generation with their wives.
Jenny Mathews
Women mont h's
inspirat ion