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August 2015


Conservation agriculture

Crop rotation / Maximum soil cover


– renewable versus sustainable agriculture


ince the dawn of man there was a

continuous struggle to secure a

steady food supply. As the cen-

turies rolled past, modern man

invented implements to help create areas

where mass production could be done and

as the world population grew, more and

more natural vegetation was turned into

cultivated fields.

We have reached the maximum land area

for production purposes or have at the

very least, come close to it. This raises the

question: “How do we feed an ever grow-

ing local and world population with the

land we have available at present?” The

simple answer is soil reform.

To understand how simple this answer

is, we have to understand the problems

we caused and how to turn them around.

Prof Rattan Lal, director of the Ohio State

University’s Carbon Management and

Sequestration Centre, has done extensive

research on carbon, the building block of

all living things. He concluded that the

world’s soils have lost up to 80 billion tons

of carbon through our cultivation practi-

ces. In certain areas the loss is nearly 80%.

The figures are staggering, but you may ask

why it is so important for our soil to have

carbon in them?

Soil is not just a substrate that keeps

our crops from falling over; it is a living,

breathing organism for which carbon is

the energy source. With the onset of tillage

implements we have managed to lower

our soil’s natural carbon content to below

0,5% in many cases.

We have literally worked the soil to death

and still expect to keep producing enough

crops. Our soils have lost the potential to

support the crops’ needs. To sustain our

production we had to rely on more and

more artificial means of feeding our crops.

The old way of tilling the soil to fight

weeds and preparing a smooth, even

seedbed has left our fields uncovered,

exposed to the sun (no way to harvest

water) and devoid of material to feed the

life within the soil. Since the introduction

of no-till in the 1970s and the subsequent

development of conservation agriculture as

a method of production, we have manag-

ed to turn this picture around. Across the

world, scientists and producers have shown

the benefits in converting to conservation


The Western Cape Provincial Department

of Agriculture has been running long-term

crop rotation trials based on the corner-

stones of conservation agriculture (CA),

namely crop rotation, maximum soil cover

and minimum soil disturbance, for a period

of 20 years (following in the footsteps of

pioneer producers in the province). Data

from the trials clearly illustrates the sustain-

ability of the practice within the different

cropping systems tested.

This is all fine and dandy, but do we want

to be sustainable in our production or do

we want it to be more than just sustain-

able. In this instance we agree with the

views of Dr Dwayne Beck. He manages

the research facility called Dakota Lakes

Research Farm in South Dakota, USA,

which came into operation in 1989.

The entire facility has always been managed

using true conservation agriculture tech-

niques (continuous low-disturbance no-till

and diverse rotations) since its inception.

The farm is both a research and produc-tion

unit and the research is aimed at improving

not only the conservation side of farming

methods, but also making sure that the

practices are maximising the profits.

Dr Beck is the one who planted the seed

of agriculture being renewable. He hates

the word sustainable, because it indicates

maintaining the status quo. He strives

towards the idea of making agriculture re-

newable and not just a mining operation

such as the gold and oil industry. How do

we achieve this? The simple answer is to

look at nature.

Nature aims for diversity. When last have

you walked in nature where man has not

disturbed anything? Did you see any weeds?

Why not? The answer is diversity. We took

diversity away in our cropping systems

by cultivating a field and planting a single

crop with a single root system on it.

The result was we had to start fighting

weeds coming into the monoculture. This

caused its own headaches with the onset

of herbicide resistance. Weeds are nature

trying to create diversity. CA helped im-

prove the situation through the rotation

of different crops, but is still lacking great


Coming back to Dr Beck and his philoso-

phy, the aim is to change our cropping

systems in such a way that we are mimick-

ing nature and the natural cycles. The

research done at Dakota Lakes and other

research stations has shown the benefit

of including cover crops as part of this

simulation of the natural diversity in our

cropping systems.

The introduction of diversity improved the

health of the soil which in turn improved

yields and lowered artificial input costs.

During a recent visit to the Dakotas we met

with various producers who have turned

their farms around and are reaping the

benefits of their soil reform.

Do yourself a favour and read Gabe Brown’s

story (one glaring example of what is

achievable). The sustainable agriculture



, based in the USA, pu-

blished an in-depth interview with Brown

in the article called “Diversity is king” – you

can alternatively


his name.

David Montgomery, a geologist by trade,

wrote a book called “Dirt – the erosion of

civilisations” in which he relates his re-

search on the demise of ancient civilisa-

tions of Neolithic Europe, Classical Greece,

Rome, the Southern United States, and

Central America.

Erosion of their agricultural soil played a

large role in the demise of these civilisations.

We have to ensure that our agriculture is

renewable, not just sustainable and to be

able to achieve this we have to reform our

soils to a living, breathing organism.


Western Cape Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries