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Augustus 2015


Lupines have various uses, i.e. using it as a rotation crop, a

pasture crop and a silage crop. As a rotation crop, lupin seed is

sown directly into wheat stubble with no additional nitrogen (N)

and can be used to reduce excessively high levels of other macro


As a pasture crop especially for sheep, grazing is often restricted

because of high concentrations of alkaloids in the young leaves and

growth points. As the plant matures, more parts of the plant are

eaten. The greatest value however of lupines is found in the dry

summer months in the winter rainfall region, when sheep pick up

the fallen seeds and also graze the stubble.

Lupines can also be used for silage production, because the spe-

cies have a high green matter, moisture and protein content. Ad-

ditionally, the high seed production of this species provides a

concentrated form of carbohydrates which becomes very valuable

in the silage making process.

Soil conservation and health benefits

In general it is known that lupines are adapted to poor and slightly

acid soils, but they do however have high growth requirements.

Lupines are used as green manure and in rotation with cereals

because they are capable of fixing nitrogen from the atmosphere

and converting it to a usable form.

Poorly fertilised lupines can exhaust the soil and leave it even

poorer than before. This is where lupines can have great value in

soils that have extremely high levels of nutrients that have built up

over time. Lupines are also well-known in weed management and

between fields of cereal crops to keep diseases from spreading.

Atmospheric nitrogen fixation rates of up to 400 kg N/ha has been

observed in Europe and Australia.

Management challenges

One of the major challenges regarding the use of lupines for grazing

purposes is that they often contain high levels of alkaloids. If large

quantities of the alkaloids are ingested by ruminants, it can cause

significant metabolic disorders in livestock and can eventually lead

to death. Another poisoning that can be experienced is Phomopsis

poisoning, which entails the ingestion of lupin stubble that has a fun-

gus growing on it, especially after rain during summer or autumn.

Animal production aspects

With a crude protein content of 19%, studies have shown that

it is possible to carry six sheep/ha for eight months of the year.

Lupines are a concentrated source of both protein and energy and

the greatest form of lupin utilisation in Australia is as a whole-grain

feed for grazing sheep, to supplement low grade roughage diets.

Livestock production responses vary depending on the quality of

the forage on offer. The efficiency of utilisation of lupin grain var-

ies from live weight change of 0,8 g/g of lupin dry matter for low

quality roughages where sheep are losing weight rapidly, to live

weight gains of 0,2 g/g to 0,3 g/g lupin dry matter where roughage

quality is adequate to support maintenance or slow growth.

Lupin supplements generally result in higher intake, live weight

gain and wool growth than comparable supplements of cereals.

This is primarily due to their protein contribution to rumen micro-

bial protein synthesis, but also possibly due to rumen bypass protein

effects, higher metabolisable energy content and fewer distur-

bances to fibre digestion which often accompanies the fermentation

of cereal starch.


Annual lupines are promising legume crops for green manuring

and forage. The composition of the seed and especially the high

protein content makes lupines highly suitable for livestock diets as

a protein-rich product in intensive farming systems. Since it often

can grow on land unsuitable for other crops (too saline, heavy,

acid or poor), the development of cultivars adapted to tropical

African conditions is highly recommended.

For more information, contact Dr Wayne Truter at


, Prof Chris Dannhauser at ,

Dr Hen-

drik Smith at

or Mr Gerrie Trytsman at .


Dickinson, E.B., Hyam, G.F.S., Breytenbach, W.A.S., Metcalf, W.D., Basson, W.D.,

Williams, F.R., Scheepers, L.J., Plint, A.P., Smith, H.R.H., Smith, P.J., van Vuuren,

P.J., Viljoen, J.H., Archibald, K.P. and Els, J.N. 2004.

Kynoch pasture handbook


Kejafa Knowledge Works, Maanhaarrand.

6: Sweet lupines (

L. angustifolius

) are planted for harvesting their seeds.

7: Sweet lupine trial with one bitter cultivar (SSL10 with the blue flowers).


Conservation agriculture