Februarie 2019
luctuating crop prices, droughts and
then rain in the harvest period; these
are only some of the woes to be
dealt with by South African ground-
nut producers. The recent history has been
a challenging one, and groundnut produc-
tion remains largely dependent on favour-
able climatic conditions – especially during
The KMC range of groundnut harvesting
equipment from Rovic Leers is a well-known
and respected brand, comprising of the
following product categories:
Digger, shaker inverters
These are available in two and four row
units, handling 34” - 40” rows (two row)
and 30” - 32” or 36” - 38” (four row) planting
widths. They are equipped with patented
and adjustable dirt knockers, and easy set
up adjustment for heavy vine conditions,
hydraulic drive and a chain conveyor for ef-
fective crop lifting and inverting.
Vine conditioners
Available in six row units for row widths of
34” - 38”, they are designed to use after lift-
ing the crop to remove excessive soil and
foreign material, to ready the crop for effec-
tive harvesting.
Combine harvesters
Hopper capacities of 3 400 kg, a small di-
ameter pick-up reel, a large diameter auger,
and handling six rows (36”) make for a high-
ly efficient harvesting solution.
Available with an optional ‘On The Go’ un-
load system to improve harvest capacity
even further.
The best news: Rovic Leers has made a
management decision to make this 2019
harvesting season easier for our producers.
This means a dramatic price reduction and
very special pricing on our available KMC
stock – mostly because we invested in stock
at good exchange rates, and are passing it
on to the end user.
Serious about
our producers
Product information
Rovic Leers
1: KMC groundnut digger, shaker inverter.
2: KMC groundnut harvester.