The dream of a
NAMPO aircraft runway
the companies did not want to make use of the runway at NAMPO
Park anymore. One charter company explained that it had stopped
flying to NAMPO Park due to the condition of the runway and
the consequent risk.
Every year the NAMPO team makes sure that maintenance
is done on the runway in order to make it more comfortable for
planes to land. This coming year is no exception and the team are
sure that the runway will be in good form for planes to land.
However, this is not sustainable and we would like to pro-
vide our clients with a world class facility in terms of a runway.
Currently plans are being developed to have an up to stand-
ard runway that can accommodate bigger planes and that
will also decrease the risks. As with any capital investment, this is
an expensive exercise if one wants to keep the standards high.
Secondly, it must be a good business decision – meaning that
the runway must have a return on investment and be able to
cover the costs with additional income.
A business/civil plan identified that the best option would
be a tar surface. However, this will come at a cost of R5,5 million
– a very large capital investment. In terms of financing, a loan is
planned with a repayment structure of ten years.
In order to do the repayment, the following possible in-
come streams were identified: Landing fees, chartered flights to
NAMPO, branding sponsorships, more aviation exhibition space,
and hosting of a piston aircraft show.
The runway could be a source of great opportunities such as:
Provide new business opportunities for the NAMPO Park
facilities, new shows and farmer days.
Chartered flights.
Assistance with overload of infrastructure – road and accom
Increased accessibility for everyone – in one day you can fly
in, visit NAMPO and fly back.
Assist exhibitors to do more business by means of attraction.
NAMPO Harvest Day is a world class show with a very strong brand,
as was experienced with the hosting of NAMPO Cape. The possible
runway fits into the vision and strategy of NAMPO, not to go bigger
but better. The runway could attract high profile individuals within
the private sector and government. NAMPO is one of Grain SA’s big-
gest sources of income and it is also a means of diversification in
years that member levies are lower due to drought conditions. By
adding an asset such as the runway, it would also be an investment
in the sustainability of Grain SA.
To all the pilots visiting this year: We are ready for you and
have put in extra effort to make the runway sufficient and safe.
There are new shuttle services assisting from the airport to the
showground’s gates. Grain SA is looking forward to host all of
you at NAMPO this year.
OVK se wortels lê in die stigting van die Ficksburg Koöperatiewe Boerevereniging
in 1919. Na die amalgamering met verskeie koöperasies is die Oos-Vrystaat Kaap
Koöperasie Beperk in 1993 gestig. In 2004 is daar met Karoo Oranje Landboukoöpe
rasie (KOLK) en in 2014 met Cape Mohair and Wool (CMW) geamalgameer.
Vandag het dié diverse maatskappy meer as 12 000 produsente-aandeel-
houers en het die maatskappy ’n omset van bykans R8,95 miljard per jaar. Dit maak
OVK een van die suksesvolste landboumaatskappye in Suid-Afrika.
Hierdie jaar sal OVK weer eens tydens NAMPO kopstukke met toegewyde
kliënte gesels oor sy vele dienste. Verskeie wol- en sybokhaarprodukte sal te koop
wees, terwyl die daaglikse en unieke wolbaaldra-kompetisie groot byval sal vind.
OVK – 100 jaar
vier vanjaar ’n trotse eeu. Joernaliste is sedert die ontstaan van
die NAMPO Oesdag by dié tradisie betrokke en berig oor die landbouskou se sny-
punttegnologie, debatte en die grootste landbounuus.
-uitstalruimte lok jaarliks derduisende belangstellendes.
Die legendariese veearts, dr Faffa Malan, sal produsente weer van kundige raad
voorsien. Oud en jonk kan op ’n voorblad pryk of sien hoe kosredakteur Arina du
Plessis kook. En in hoeveel huishoudings is die landbouskapies (en -koeie) nie al ’n
instelling nie?
Vanjaar word die
-gedenktydskrif by NAMPO bekend
gestel. ’n Uitsonderlike voorbladuitstalling met 100 van die beste voorblaaie deur
die eeu word hierheen gebring en Adam Tas sing ’n spesiaal gekomponeerde
Landbouweekblad 100
-liedjie. Mnr Chris Burgess,
-redakteur, sal
ook oudergewoonte as deel van die TV-program
onderhoude by
Afgri se uitstalruimte voer.
– 100 jaar
Van die belangrikste prestasies oor die af-
gelope 100 jaar was: Die uitbreiding en
posisionering van BKB as die nommer een
afslaersaak van natuurlike vesel en vee in
Afrika, asook om plaaslik en internasionaal te
BKB het ook nog altyd verhoudings,
waardes en vertroue as die vertrekpunt van
hul besigheidstrategie beskou en daar word
daagliks daaraan gebou. ’n Korporatiewe
kultuur is gevolglik ontwikkel waarin land-
bouers sentraal gestel word en waar ’n ge-
meenskaplike en deurgaanse waardestelsel
van vertroue en integriteit met hulle gedeel
Die BKB-groep is ook trots op sy lang
verhouding met NAMPO. NAMPO se doel
om produsente en verskaffers by mekaar te
bring, om vennootskappe en verhoudings te
bou asook om verstedelike verbruikers na-
der aan landbou te bring, word deur hulle
BKB – 100 jaar