Product information
Graan SA/Grain SA
showcased at NAMPO
earings International (BI) will show-
case the latest design of its agricul-
tural hub bearings at the NAMPO
Harvest Day of 2018. In addition, it
will also launch a bearing hub for planters,
and display its full product range for the ag-
ricultural industry, under its new Agri-Smart
banner for the agricultural industry.
Agri-Smart allows the leading supplier to
offer its agricultural customers a total solu-
tion for their specific requirements and con-
ditions. ‘We continuously strive to develop
new products for the farming community,’
Mr Ross Trevelyan (unit head, BI Business)
‘We believe that the agricultural industry is
of utmost importance to food security, and
therefore to the economic development of
our country. We strive to offer excellence to
our customers in both service and product
provision,’ he comments.
With the agricultural sector under increas-
ing pressure to cut costs and improve pro-
ductivity, BI has both the experience and
expertise, backed up by some of the best
products available on the market, to assist
farming customers in reducing their down-
time and boosting productivity significantly.
BI’s diverse product line-up for the agricul-
tural industry, under its Agri-Smart banner,
runs the gamut from supplying bearings and
chains to couplings and transmission prod-
ucts for arduous farming applications such
as ploughing, planting, harvesting, and bal-
ing. It carries a comprehensive stockholding
of critical spares, in addition to chain and
V-belt drives, that can be dispatched to cus-
tomers’ sites at short notice.
BI supplies bearings for agricultural equip-
ment such as combine harvesters, plant-
ers, balers, tractors, spreaders, mixers, and
hammer mills. Sprockets, chains and ac-
cessories are available for major combine-
harvester brands such as John Deere, Claas,
Case, Clayson, Fahr, Laverda, Massey Fer-
guson and Slattery.
A range of sprockets is available for most
agricultural implements, in addition to
standard V-pulleys with adaptor sleeve
bosses and axle couplings. Gearboxes can
be supplied for slashers and cutters, pro-
duction equipment and other agricultural
implements. Oils, hydraulic seals and hoses
are also available, as well as power take-
off (PTO) shafts and variable speed drives
Main BI brands on display at NAMPO 2018
will be:
KML bearings and trans-
mission components
KML Bearings offer a range of mounted and
unmounted bearings and bearing housings.
It has proven highly successful in the agri-
cultural industry as a brand that does not
sacrifice quality, while offering significant
cost benefits. This year, BI will also have a
new range of hub units on display, designed
and developed in conjunction with KML.
Loctite adhesives, sealants
and surface treatment
Loctite offers a complete product range and
system solutions in industrial adhesives
and sealants, from design and product de-
velopment to the production process and
simulation tests, right up to dosing tests.
The diverse range of high-quality industrial
adhesives and sealants from Loctite can be
used everywhere there is a need for efficient
specialised solutions, such as agriculture.
Bauer electric motors
The Bauer range of aluminium three-
phase 380 V and 525 V motors is ideal for
industrial applications such as fans, com-
pressors, pumps, sanding machines and
pedestal drilling machines, among others.
The main benefit is that the range is far
more lightweight than its cast-iron equiva-
lents due to the aluminium casing and end
shield. The cast iron range has also become
very popular in the agricultural industry for
pump drives in irrigation. It offers a quality,
reliable motor for critical irrigation applica-
Citronol environment-
friendly hand cleaners
and degreasers
Citronol Hand Cleaner manufactures in-
dustrial hand cleaners (with or without
grit), barrier creams, multipurpose clean-
ers, heavy-duty cleaners/degreasers, liquid
hand soap, pine gel, all-purpose cleaner,
and even dishwashing liquid.
Makita power tools
Makita is a brand leader in power tools in
Southern Africa, a success based on its rep-
utation for high quality, new technology, du-
rability and service back-up. With 100 years’
experience in advanced motor design, it ap-
plies the latest innovation to engineer and
manufacture top-class power tools. Fea-
tures particularly suited for the agricultural
industry are high power and low weight,
high efficiency, and a compact design,
which translates into increased productivity
and reduced maintenance. The new range
of cordless tools is a must-have, and will be
displayed prominently at NAMPO.
Rocol lubricants
Rocol develops, manufactures and markets
technically-advanced industrial lubricants
and line-marking systems globally.
Dodge housed bearings
and shaft mounted
Dodge has been a leading supplier of power
transmission and bearing components for
over 120 years, supplying one of the high-
est-quality selections of mounted bearings
available in the industry.
Jonnesway hand tools
Jonnesway provides total solutions for pro-
fessional mechanics to perform everyday
duties more efficiently and cost-effectively.
Products include hand tools, air tools, au-
tomotive repair tools and tool trolleys with
mechanic tool sets. This year, BI will launch
a ‘must have’ toolbox with a selection of
tools selected by producers for producers.
The toolbox will be available for viewing and
purchase especially at NAMPO 2018.
Trevelyan concludes that various product
managers and branch representatives will
be on the BI stand to field any technical
enquiries, while various promotions and
competitions will be on offer to entice stand
Visit BI in the NAMPO Hall at stands 45 and
46 from 15 to 18 May.
for Bearings International
May 2018