Our 2017 Farmer of the Year ϐinalists are…
he celebration of success overshadows the challenges that
were encountered along the way to get there. Farming is hard
and challenges are plenty, but these seem to be all forgotten
as soon as the farmers can celebrate their successes.
Nearly 20 years ago, the Farmer Development team of
Grain SA proudly looked at the achievements of some of the far-
mers taking part in their programme and decided to celebrate these
achievements by way of a Day of Celebration. The idea with this
Day of Celebration was then, and still is today, to acknowledge
farmers who put in hard work throughout the year and to showcase
their successes.
Since its inception in 2009, the Day of Celebration became a
highlight on the calendars of the Grain SA farmers as well as the
Farmer Development team. It is important to also recognise the
role that the Grain SA mentors and co-ordinators play in the suc-
cess of the farmers under their wing. These people’s admirable
dedication and passion are surely very important ingredients in the
Farmer Development recipe for success.
The 2017 Day of Celebration is around the corner. Farmers were
entered in the four categories: Subsistence Farmer of the Year,
Smallholder Farmer of the Year, Potential Commercial Farmer of
the Year and the New Era Commercial Farmer of the Year. Meet the
finalists in each category.
SA Graan/Grain
public relations officer, Grain SA
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