Oktober 2016
Sea change:
Lessons organised agriculture should learn
he unexpected outcome of the referendum in the United
Kingdom (UK) to leave the European Union (EU) showed
remarkable similarities with regards to the reasons for the
support for a somewhat controversial nominee as presi-
dential candidate of the Republican Party in the US.
Reading through the comments of the many analysts, I became
aware of the similarities thereof with what was presented as the
possible reasons for the political swing in the vote of our own
municipal elections in August 2016.
Agricultural leaders in South Africa should take note of these rea-
sons and start reacting thereon to avoid the surprising consequenc-
es that present themselves with angry voters. Many referred to
these changes as a sea change – a notable transformation and sig-
nificant change in the way society thinks and acts. This change is
also being placed on equal footing with the Arab Spring of 2011. The
Arab Spring caused the world to elevate the agricultural agenda in
an effort to ensure that there will be enough food to feed the world
in 2050. How should agriculture in South Africa react to the results
of angry voters – voters angry about the status quo?
Anger and fear can easily lead to irrationality and have definitely
led to an appetite for higher risk – it demands change. The status
quo and current establishment/institutions are no longer accepta-
ble. The current period of uncertainty is further extended and upped
a notch or two. Liminality – a process that goes on within people
when they are separated from their stable worlds and core values;
a type of in-between world – is causing voters to act differently
than normally expected. They expressed a reaction at the polls in
line with their dissatisfaction with issues that drive their emotions.
The world is in fear and feels out of control when borders become
more porous and immigration causes all sorts of social and eco-
nomic problems. Locals see this as taking their jobs and acts of ter-
rorism as threats to their lives. The reaction illustrate that people
have a perception that there is safety in tribes; they want to protect
their own wealth and living standards: Build a wall or exit! (‘Strong-
er in’ [the EU], ‘Stronger together’ [US Democrats] and ‘Together
we can do more’ [ANC in South Africa], make way to ‘Embrace
change’ [DA in South Africa] and risk by ‘Take back our country’ [US
Republicans]). The consequences are numerous for globalisation
and free trade – and eventually food security.
What were most surprising to me were the results issued by
the days directly after the UK voted to exit the EU: The sec-
ond most searched topic was ‘What is the EU?’ These reactions
could easily have been seen in South Africa following the munici-
pal election results: ‘Who is the DA?’
South Africa is not only bearing the scars of apartheid, but now
also bears the scars of post-apartheid. The uncontrolled self-
enrichment and unashamed corruption and nepotism by the po-
litical leaders caused the voters to react. The pool of have-nots in
South Africa has just begun to be too large to defend the status quo.
In times like these radicals thrive! Radical change is needed. There
is a disbelief in the ability of the current establishment to guide us
out of this mess. What mess?
Well the mess is represented in the gaps between:
Rich and poor.
Educated and uneducated.
Old and young.
City-dwelling and rural.
Voters and political leaders.
Globalisation and tribalisation.
Cadre deployment and merit.
The tribalisation referred to above does not necessarily reflect on
tribes as we know it. It reflects on people sharing the same values,
irrespective of race, gender or ethnic group.
Organised agriculture will soon face the same music from these
voters – they could vote against an established organisation and
the status quo where leaders are out of touch with what is going
on at grassroots level or they will vote for change – even if it entails
increasing risk.
I hope that we shall learn lessons from these events that are
changing the world around us and react in a way to sustain our
producers and our food production capacity in this country. Not
just for ourselves, but also for the generations to come.
To swim downstream has never been my way of doing things.
Withdrawing and practising ostrich politics is an easy way out,
but I do not believe that it is the right option. Life has taught me to
take the hill country – climb the mountains and kill the giants that
stand in the way of progress and prosperity.
CEO: Grain SA
...sea change – a
notable transformation
and significant change
in the way society
thinks and acts.