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uppe marketing A12821
‘South Africa obviously has some challenges concerning weath-
er and on the political side, but looking at economy of scale it of-
fers big benefits compared to other countries. It has very smart
and very large producers – which is a structural benefit. The down-
side is that producers are more dependent on the weather than
their counterparts in Europe,’ said Mr Wilfried Baetz, head of
Marketing for Africa and Middle East.
Concerning yield levels in South Africa, Baetz added that BASF is
very optimistic. ‘Looking at average yields in the high intensity
areas there is still room for improvement through technology, fertili-
sation, seed varieties and good crop protection.’
He reckons that there is an exciting chunk of technology coming
into South Africa. ‘The country is like a magic pot when it comes to
technology, especially because genetically modified crops and
conventional crops are combined. On top of that a huge variety of
crops are available to local producers, which is attractive for compa-
nies like BASF to bring new technology to South Africa.
‘When it comes to introducing new technology in South Africa, we
do have a challenge in explaining and making sure that the pro-
ducer understands what the benefit of our technology is. The local
farming market is to a large extent fixed on the economic side of
technology. Our challenge is to convince producers to invest more
to make more, or in other words to use good and new technology to
harvest more,’ Baetz concluded.
‘In the BASF culture we go for best in class technology and
apply the latest active ingredients. If one looks at the AgCelence
portfolio, by which BASF can really show higher yields and better
quality, we believe that innovation is the right approach to achieve
better results – also in Africa,’ Hartmann added.
Johan Smit visited the BASF headquarters in Ludwigshafen, Ger-
many as part of an Africa/Middle East media delegation to the
group’s Crop Protection Global Press Conference during September.
1: Dirk Hartmann in front of the life-sized lettering
Wir feiern
at the
BASF Rehhütte Farm Estate in Limburgerhof. The lettering was erected
as part of BASF Crop Protection division’s celebration of its 100 year
existence in 2015.
2: BASF head of Marketing for Africa and Middle East, Wilfried Baetz.