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November 2015



Natural resources and energy


Average irrigation yields improved

with variable rate irrigation systems


oil and topography varies in most centre pivot circles with

some soil types and areas that will become water locked

while others will remain too dry to produce optimally. Due

to this, the yield will also fluctuate. These low and high spots

and soils create the need to vary water applications.

Variable rate irrigation technology allows you to apply exactly

the right amount of water to specific areas under your irrigator

− giving full control to maximise yields and profitability. The

Growsmart precision variable rate irrigation system achieves this by

individually pulsing sprinklers on and off, while also controlling the

irrigator speed to modify the application depth along the length of

the irrigator.

Control of the irrigator speed and individual valves allows the

amount of water applied to each area to be carefully regulated, opti-

mising water application.

There are many agricultural applications where irrigation efficien-

cy can be improved through the use of variable rate irrigation. The

technology has proven benefits for farms irrigating over varying soil

types or with different crops planted under the one irrigator. Water

savings and yield increases are achievable by reducing irrigation to

high run-off areas and low areas prone to getting wet and boggy.

Irrigation can also be completely avoided over buildings, tracks,

roads, water-ways, non-productive and environmentally sensitive areas.

First commercialised in 2008, Growsmart precision variable rate

irrigation was the industry’s first true precision variable irrigation

system. Growers have reported many advantages achieved from in-

stalling the system, including record crop yields, increased pasture

production, significant irrigation water savings, a drop in the power

bill due to reduced energy requirements and reduced maintenance

costs of farm tracks and lanes.

Independent research has indicated that in any one year, variable

rate irrigation can save between 9% and 26% of irrigation water. In

practise producers in Australasia have been achieving water sav-

ings of up to 35% by tailoring irrigation to the water requirements

of variable soils underneath an irrigator. These savings are possible

through the use of the intelligent precision variable rate irrigation

system enabling application rates over wet areas to be reduced and

water completely turned off over tracks, drains, buildings and unpro-

ductive areas.

Furthermore, because the precision variable rate irrigation system

only delivers water when and where it’s programmed to, there are

no wasted pumping costs. Calculations show that 9% to 26% water

savings equates to 27 kg - 77 kg of CO


-eq/ha/yr energy savings.

Rather than farming to the limitations of an existing irrigation sys-

tem, several crops that require varying amounts of water can be

grown under the one irrigation system when variable rate irrigation

is installed, giving you the ability to maximise the yields of each

crop. Fertiliser and chemicals can also be efficiently applied exactly

where they’re needed with the pinpoint accuracy of precision vari-

able rate irrigation technology which can be a real saving compared

to blanket applications.

Precision variable rate irrigation solves common over-watering is-

sues inherent to many machine set-ups such as laterals, geo-laterals

and part circles. For instance, irrigation plans can be set up to ramp

down application rates when approaching the reversing point for a

part circle or lateral and then ramp up again when heading away

from the barricade. The intelligent system can also detect when a

geo-lateral changes from lateral to pivot mode, altering the sprinkler

rates accordingly to even out the application.

Irrigation plans are created with FieldMAP, precision variable rate

irrigation’s custom mapping programme. The software is preload-

ed with applicable irrigator data, and then it is customised for each

system after which it is ready to generate irrigation plans. Water

application can be optimised for both the area irrigated and the


technology and field service manager: Lindsay

Figure 1: Irrigation plans are easily created with the map-based

FieldMAP software.