Lede kon ‘n saamrygeleentheid met gholfkarretjies vanaf die
spesiale ledetoegangshek tot by die ledelokaal kry. Luan van der Walt
(landbou-ekonoom: Graan SA) was agter die stuurwiel en het
Willie Marx (Wolmaransstad) en PW van der Merwe (Bothaville)
veilig by die ledelokaal besorg.
Ottosdallers wat ‘n draai by die ledelokaal kom maak het:
Voor: Johann Smith en Jacques (sr) en Andriesa Foster.
Agter: Jacques (jr) Foster.
Graan SA-lede wat by die nuwe Graan SA NAMPO Belewenissentrum
kom inloer het: Joe Mpye, Herbert Mabuza (albei van Randfontein),
Julias Ramohlabi (GFADA), Du Toit van der Westhuizen (ontwikkelings-
koördineerder, Graan SA) en Simon Teffo (Randfontein).
Anthony Putzier (Meyerton) en Michael Putzier (Koppies) gesels met
Hailey Ehrenreich (komiteebeampte: Wes-Kaap, Graan SA) oor die
NAMPO handelsmerkklere- en promosie-items wat by die Oesdag
te koop aangebied is.
July 2017
NAMPO 2017
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‘In my first year, I used his implements and resources to help plough my lands
without any payment,’ Matasane recalled. The stories above highlight the
power of collaboration and what it can do to help us achieve meaningful
and sustainable economic transformation and bring to life this ideal of inclu-
sive growth.
Roelf Meyer, a key negotiator in the talks to end apartheid in South Africa,
had an interesting analysis of where we could have gone wrong. ‘From the day
that Madiba walked out of prison to the day we completed the constitution
was in fact seven years. The truth is we started off with the negotiations with
real misgivings about each other. There was a lot of mistrust. Fortunately,
through the process of dialogue, we started to learn to know each other and
the social cohesion that developed through that was massive.
‘In my view, that is the real reason we ended up with a peaceful settlement in
South Africa. But, in recent times I have been asking myself what we should
have done differently with regard to the ongoing need for transformation.
‘I have come to the conclusion that we should’ve continued with the process
of dialogue – a dialogue on the real economic transformation of the country
– sector by sector.’
Imagine if the dialogue had continued. Perhaps these isolated stories of suc-
cessful collaborations would have been the norm by now and helped us all
to understand that even a black woman could be a Boer.
Andile Khumalo
Note: This article first appeared in
Business Times
on 21 May 2017. Andile
Khumalo is chief operating officer of MSG Afrika and presents
Power Business
Power 98.7
at 6 pm, Monday to Thursday.