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Januarie 2018



USDA crop estimates and forecasts

For spring-planted crops, most notably

corn, soybeans and cotton, May, June, and

July projections of USA crop production

in the WASDE report are based on trend

yields and NASS estimates of intended and

planted acreage. The assumptions used are

spelled out in the footnotes of each table.

For both USA and foreign estimates, nor-

mal weather is assumed for the balance of

the growing season. These early-season

projections, for both the USA and the world,

while necessarily highly tentative, provide

a preliminary look at crop supplies and

market conditions.

Lockup conditions

To assure the highly market-sensitive in-

formation is released simultaneously to

all end-users, and not prematurely to any

one, the WASDE report is prepared under

tight security in a specially designed area

of USDA’s South Building.

The morning of release, doors in the ‘lock-

up’ area are secured, window shades are

sealed, and telephone and internet com-

munications are blocked. Once analysts

present their credentials to a guard, they

enter the secured area to finalise the WAS-

DE report.

Communications with the outside world

are suspended until the report is released

at 12:00 noon Eastern Time.


The value of USDA statistics to data us-

ers depends on the ease, speed, and cost

of access. As a result, the USDA’s Eco-

nomic Information System strives for three

goals (

Figure 2

on page 27 summarises the

USDA’s economic information system):


Production numbers are discussed se-

parate from trade numbers. Foreign pro-

duction is discussed separate from USA

production. The Secretary of Agriculture

officially releases numbers but has no input

in the numbers.


Best available data and analysis are used;

however, agriculture is strongly driven by

weather and is changeable. USDA acknowl-

edges this and will update numbers next

month with new data.


Data and information are crucial for the

commercial market’s decision-makers. In-

ternet, agricultural radio, news wires, fax

list and paper copies are used to broadcast

information. Release dates and time of re-

lease are carefully choreographed. That is

the essence of the lockup process.

The latest reports and other helpful infor-

mation on NASS crop and livestock esti-

mates can be found at



WAOB information on supply and demand

estimates and agricultural weather is locat-

ed at


The latest attaché reports can be viewed at


Vang “raar, maar waar”-

oomblikke vas


Nuwe jaar beteken ‘n nuwe tema

vir ywerige amateurfotograwe

wat maandeliks deelneem aan die

Graan SA/Sasol fotokompetisie.

Vir 2018 is daar besluit op die tema simbi-


In Grieks verwys “syn” na saamwees en

“bios” na lewe. Simbiose beteken letterlik

“saamlewe” en verwys na enige direkte en

intieme saamleefverhouding tussen twee

organismes van verskillende spesies – in

die natuur, tussen mens en dier óf mense

onderling. Al sal wetenskaplikes daaroor

debatteer, is die verhouding tussen mens en

dier ook ‘n voorbeeld van simbiose – ‘n pro-

dusent wat die gewasse hanteer of ‘n plaas-

werker wat ‘n bees melk of ‘n skaap skeer.

Daar is drie vorms van simbiose in die


Mutualisme – waar albei diere (of plant

en dier) deur die verhouding bevoor-

deel word. ‘n Voorbeeld is ‘n krokodil-

voël wat bloedsuiers van die tandvleis

van die Nylkrokodil afpik en bye wat

blomme besoek om nektar te kry.

Kommensalisme – waar slegs een be-

voordeel word, terwyl die ander party

nie geraak word nie: Soos voëls wat

hul neste in bome maak sonder om die

bome te bevoordeel of te benadeel.

Parasitisme – waar een party voordeel

trek tot nadeel van die ander. Voor-

beelde is bosluise op beeste, vlooie op

mense en honde, asook plantluise op


Dink dus kreatief en verras die beoorde-

laars. Die webtuiste,




wys hoe kreatiewe denke fotografie

opwindend kan maak. Fotograaf Andrius

Burba het ‘n projek begin waar hy diere van

onder af afneem. Gaan kyk gerus daarna en

laat jou kreatiewe sappe vloei.




Die wenfoto in die November-uitgawe van

‘n teer oomblik tussen jong Mischa Batt

en hanslammers, het vir Chrismari van der

Westhuizen van Loeriesfontein die eerste

prys van R1 500 in die sak gebring.