Januarie 2018
Understanding USDA crop estimates
and forecasts
ach month, the United States De-
partment of Agriculture (USDA)
publishes crop supply and demand
estimates for the United States of
America (USA) and the world in the World
Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates
(WASDE) report.
These estimates are used as benchmarks in
the marketplace because of their compre-
hensive nature, objectivity, and timeliness.
The statistics that USDA releases affect
decisions made by producers, businesses,
and governments, by defining the funda-
mental conditions in commodity markets
worldwide. However, when using USDA
statistics and especially crop estimates and
forecasts, it is helpful to understand the
role of the different institutions involved,
the methodology and the process.
How WASDE reports are
The role of the WAOB
The World Agricultural Outlook Board
(WAOB) is a unit of the Office of the
Chief Economist (OCE) of USDA (see also
Figure 1
). OCE advises the Secretary of
Agriculture on the economic implications
of policies and programmes affecting the
USA food and fibre system and rural areas.
The WAOB was created in 1977 to serve as
the focal point for economic intelligence on
the outlook for USA and world agriculture.
Prior to 1977, responsibility for USDA's food
and fibre outlook information was fragment-
ed among several agencies.
While these agencies' missions did not
change, the board was created to co-ordi-
nate USDA's outlook analysis and assure
its accuracy, timeliness and objectivity. The
board co-ordinates, reviews, and approves
the monthly WASDE report.
WAOB’s senior commodity analysts also
chair the monthly Interagency Commodity
Estimates Committees (ICEC) meetings. The
board also houses OCE's Joint Agricultural
Weather Facility (JAWF).
JAWF monitors global weather and assess-
es its impact on foreign crop conditions and
potential yields.
The role of the ICEC
A consensus or ‘interagency’ approach is
used to arrive at supply and demand es-
timates. The monthly ICEC meetings are
comprised of representatives from several
key USDA agencies. These agencies in-
The National Agricultural Statistics Ser-
vice (NASS) which estimates and fore-
casts USA crop production based on
data collected from farm operations and
field observations.
The Foreign Agricultural Services
(FAS) which provides information re-
garding foreign production, use and
trade. FAS gather global market intel-
ligence from its network of agricultural
attachés. This information is assem-
bled and reviewed in FAS headquarters
by commodity and trade analysts and
circulated to all participants in the in-
teragency process. Satellite imagery is
interpreted to assess foreign crop pro-
duction potential.
The Economic Research Services (ERS)
identifies the most important econom-
ic effects and implications for prices,
quantity supplied and quantity de-
manded. This may include information
on such diverse factors as exchange
rates, oil prices, the effects of domestic
and foreign agricultural policy, and eco-
nomic growth. ERS analysts routinely
interact with analysts in the FAS.
The Farm Service Agency (FSA) de-
scribes the current policy environment
and particularly how producers likely
will react to current legislation. FSA em-
ploys econometric models, tempered
by specialist expertise. This activity in-
volves considerable interaction with
The Agricultural Marketing Service
(AMS) provides current price and mar-
keting reports for crops and livestock.
AMS marketing specialists monitor
markets in action on a daily basis and
share observations with USDA analysts
This broad information base is reviewed
and analysed by ICEC members who bring
diverse expertise and perspectives to the
report. To arrive at consensus forecasts,
alternative assessments of domestic and
foreign supply and use are vetted at the
ICEC meetings.
Throughout the growing season and after-
wards, estimates are compared with new in-
formation on production and utilisation, and
historical revisions are made as necessary.
The commodity
balance sheets
The WASDE reports reflect a full balance
sheet for each commodity and country. This
broad commodity coverage allows analysts
to reconcile changes among commodity
balance sheets. For example, in order to
estimate world soybean supply and de-
mand, separate balances are prepared for
90 countries.
Separate estimates are made for beginning
stocks, imports and prospective produc-
tion to determine the total supply of a crop
that will be available for the new marketing
year. The demand side of the balance sheet
reflects domestic use, exports and ending
stocks. Domestic use may be further subdi-
vided to the extent that such data are avail-
able from other sources.
The balance sheet disciplines individual
estimates as such that total supply must al-
ways equal domestic use plus exports and
ending stocks. Prices tie both sides of the
balance sheet together by rationing avail-
able supplies between competing uses.
Prices also shape planting decisions for the
out-year, providing a link between current
and future years.
The process of forecasting price and bal-
ance sheet items is a complex one involving
the interaction of expert judgment, com-
modity models, and in-depth research by
department analysts on key domestic and
international issues. This process plays out
each month in ICEC.
Critical supply and demand relationships
change over time as policies and structure
change. A quality departmental forecast-
ing process requires a strong research pro-
gramme to ensure that understanding of
markets keeps up with changing conditions.
USDA analysts are responsible for keep-
ing the department’s information base and
models abreast of changing market rela-
tionships. Research conducted by ERS is a
critical part of the process of maintaining
the quality and objectivity of departmental
supply, demand and price estimates.
The forecasting cycle
Supply and demand estimates are forecast
on a marketing-year basis. The marketing
year for each crop usually begins with the
senior agricultural specialist, USDA – Foreign Agricultural Service, USA Embassy, Pretoria