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February 2016


Conservation agriculture

Turnip plants are ready for grazing or green feed when the forage is

about 30 cm tall (70 to 90 days after planting). The pasture should be

grazed for a short time and the livestock removed to allow the plants

to regrow. A strip grazing system is desirable to ensure complete


The forage quality of turnip is outstanding with exceptionally high

protein content and can be regarded similar to concentrate feeds.

Bearing the latter in mind, precautions should be taken to prevent

any animal health problems. Livestock should not be starved when

put onto a field of turnips, as this will cause animals to over indulge

causing serious metabolic disturbances.

Animals should be conditioned to turnips so that a healthy rumen

microbial population can develop to ultimately digest the high

levels of protein in forage turnips. Feeding low quality hay with high

fibre content can facilitate optimal utilisation of turnips. Turnips

could be grazed in approximately 60 to 90 days after planting de-

pending on varieties.

Soil conservation and health benefits

Turnips just like many other Brassicas provide a 70% to 80% soil

coverage. These species are well known for their ability to capture

soil nitrogen (N) remaining after a crop harvest. Turnips produce

large taproots that can grow as deep as 1,5 m and often deeper and

can play a significant role in alleviating compaction especially when

soils are moist and easier to penetrate.

Their deep rooting also allows these crops to scavenge nutrients

from deep in the soil profile. As the large tap roots decompose,

they leave channels open to the surface that increase water infiltra-

tion and improve the subsequent growth and soil penetration of

crop roots.

Most Brassicas including turnips have been shown to release

metabolic by-products that exhibit broad activity against bacteria,

fungi, insects, nematodes and weeds. Brassica cover crops are

often mowed and incorporated to maximise their natural fumigant


Recent studies world-wide have indicated the potential use of tur-

nips and other Brassicas for pest management. Preliminary results

show that different varieties contain different amounts of bioactive

chemicals and when using these species as green manure, fewer

pests were noted. Like most green manures, Brassica cover crops

also suppress weeds in the autumn with their rapid growth and

canopy closure.

Management challenges

Regarding the use of a turnip cover crop in animal production

systems, there are a few challenges regarding animal health. Since

most Brassicas have a low amount of fibre it is extremely impor-

tant that turnips should not constitute more than 75% of the rumi-

nant’s diet.

It is therefore important that when turnips are grazed that a lower

quality roughage be supplemented. If turnips are not grazed care-

fully, health disorders such as bloat, atypical pneumonia, nitrate

poisoning and hypothyroidism can occur.

Turnip crops may suffer from a variety of diseases such as rhizoc-

tonia rot, club root, turnip mosaic virus, root knot, anthracnose,

leaf spot and white rust. Some of these diseases can lead to crop

failure if rotation or other control measures are not used. Resistant

varieties are available to some diseases. To prevent problems with

diseases, Brassicas should not be grown on the same site more than

two years in a row.

Turnips also are subject to insect damage and can include flea

beetles, common turnip louse or aphid. These insects are more com-

mon under conventional tillage practices and can be controlled with

appropriate insecticides when applied to the soil at planting.

Animal production aspects

Due to highly variable climatic conditions in South Africa produc-

tion of fodder turnip (cultivar Mammoth Purple Top) in Limpopo

and Gauteng yielded the most when planted in February and defoli-

ated late August, resulting in 5,1 t/ha and 3 t/ha of which 2,4 t/ha and

1,7 t/ha were leaves and 1,7 t/ha and 1,3 t/ha tubers, respectively.

Research has shown that turnip produces high-quality forage and

livestock eat the stems, leaves and roots of turnip plants. Above-

ground parts normally contain 15% to 25% crude protein, 65%

to 80% in vitro digestible dry matter (IVDDM) with the roots contain-

ing 8% to 14% crude protein and 80% to 85% IVDDM. The mature

forage Brassica maintains a high nutrient concentration into autumn

and early winter. Turnips can be 80% to 90% digestible. By compari-

son, high quality lucerne hay is approximately 70% digestible.

Turnips are readily grazed by cattle and sheep and provide use-

ful supplementary grazing in the mid-winter or late autumn when

warm-season grasses and cereal forages are non-productive. Due

to their nutritive value, turnips are especially useful for feeding ani-

mals with high nutritive requirements.

Such an application might include fattening lambs, flushing ewes

and feeding lactating ewes, dairy cattle and young beef cattle.

Lambs grazing turnip gained an average 214 g/day to 249 g/day,

whereas lambs fed hay, gained 186 g/day to 195 g/day.


The Brassica species are valuable cover and forage crops. They do

however have special management requirements especially when

it comes to utilising them for animal grazing. As a dual purpose

crop, their specific management requirements are negligible when

the soil conservation benefits are realised. It does take good plan-

ning to integrate turnips into a grain production system, but

when this crop is being used as part of a multi-functional cover

crop programme and/or mix, specifically to restore soil quality, this

system is much easier to apply with substantial soil and animal

grazing benefits.

For more information, contact Dr Wayne Truter at


, Prof Chris Dannhauser at ,

Dr Hendrik Smith at

or Mr Gerrie

Trytsman at .


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Old forage crops may come back

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Kinder, C.A. 2004.

Growing and utilising turnips as forages

. Proceedings, Idaho

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Koch, D.W., Ernst, F.C., Leonard, N.R., Heldberg, R.R., Blenk, T.J. and Mitchell. J.R.


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Turnips: Alternative feed crops manual
