Spogbul behaal
hoogste bod
Op Mielieboere Bonsmaras se 25ste produksieveiling
(22 Februarie vanjaar op Hopefield, Viljoenskroon) is dié bul
vir die hoogste prys van R80 000 aan Hentie van Eck van
Hencor Bonsmaras, Dewetsdorp, verkoop. Die medium-raam,
9-punt-bul het ‘n uitstekende bouvorm. Laurence Allem van
Allem Brothers Bonsmaras, Viljoenskroon, is die teler. Die
30 bulle op die veiling het gemiddeld R54 000 stuk behaal.
Mike Killassy was die afslaer. GWK het die veiling aangebied.
– Madelein van Heerden, namens Mielieboere Bonsmaras
focus on local solutions for local agronomy.
The difference being that there will be dy-
namic new opportunities, technologies and
expertise flowing in from around the world.
This new company will list on the New York
Stock Exchange on 1 June this year.
The Pannar team are proud of their free-
for-download mobile application,
, which 4 000 producers are already
using. Ms Christin Hunter, communications
manager, Pannar, explained some of its
features and highlighted the new ‘Plant Dr’
This tool enables a producer to upload a
picture of a diseased leaf which their expert
agronomists will examine and give feedback
on within 48 hours. It also enables them to
map problems and when a pattern emerges
they can send out early warnings to produc-
ers in the same region.
In light of the many pressures facing pro-
ducers whether it be environmental, eco-
nomic or political, the message at the
Pannar Extravaganza was one of steadfast
commitment, enthusiastic energy and hope
for the future.
4: Lichtenburg producers Jaap Suurd and
his son Hannes walk through the maize
'maze' and discuss the cultivars on view.
5: Martin Coetzer from Midchem in Coligny
discusses the plant growth with Anto Klein-
geld from Lichtenburg.