Sustainable production on every piece
of arable South African land
The Farmer Development Programme’s goal is to ensure sustainable production on every hectare
of arable land in South Africa – irrespective of the size of the land. To this end training and on-farm
support is given to developing farmers.
The programme, which was introduced in 2000, establishes a platform for healthy and sustain-
able transformation on a broad base. Through funding by the Maize Trust, the Oil and Protein
Seeds Development Trust, the Winter Cereal Trust, the Sorghum Trust, the ARC and the AgriSETA,
the programme has made a huge difference to the economic viability of developing farmers.
The programme is proud to have 6 795 black farmers in its 126 study groups and ten branches
(Lichtenburg, Taung, Nelspruit, Bloemfontein, Ladybrand, Louwsburg, Kokstad, Maclear, Mthatha
and Paarl). There are 115 new era commercial farmers (producing more than 250 tons of grain),
1 085 smallholder farmers (from 10 ha of land to 250 tons of production) as well as 5 600 sub-
sistence farmers (on less than 10 ha of land).
In our efforts to develop knowledge of the farmers at all levels, we continue to support the farmers
through study group meetings, demonstration trials and farmers days, the Farmer of the Year
competition, the advanced farmer programme, training courses, and a monthly newsletter
Pula Imvula
). It is our belief that investment in the people is what is going to bring the sustainabil-
ity to the process of agricultural transformation.
A prosperous and united agricultural sector is within our reach. Sustainable production on each
hectare is quite possible if we address the real barriers that we are facing. Land tenure and soil
rectification, extension support, tractors and mechanisation, production loans, knowledge and
mentoring – we have the solutions to the problems and if we could unite the sector, we could build
the agricultural dream so many of us are dreaming!
Enquiries about the programme can be directed to the co-ordinator in your area:
Danie van den Berg
Free State (Bloemfontein)
071 675 5497
Johan Kriel
Free State (Ladybrand)
079 497 4294
Jerry Mthombothi
Mpumalanga (Nelspruit)
084 604 0549
Jurie Mentz
KwaZulu-Natal/Mpumalanga (Louwsburg) 082 354 5749
Graeme Engelbrecht
KwaZulu-Natal (Dundee)
084 582 1697
Ian Househam
Eastern Cape (Kokstad)
078 791 1004
Vusi Ngesi
Eastern Cape (Maclear)
079 034 4843
Lawrence Luthango
Eastern Cape (Mthatha)
076 674 0915
Liana Stroebel
Western Cape (Paarl)
084 264 1422
Du Toit van der Westhuizen
North West (Lichtenburg)
082 877 6749
Julius Motsoeneng
North West (Taung)
076 182 7889
Willie Kotzé
Operations manager: Grain SA Farmer 082 535 5250
Development Programme
Scholars made aware of agriculture as career choice
We are privileged to receive funding from the Maize Trust, the Winter Cereal Trust and the AgriSETA
to implement a schools programme. In our modern society, children are no longer aware of agri-
culture’s value as a source of food, fibre and energy as well as for career choices. Our message to
them is: ‘Without agriculture, you would be naked, hungry and thirsty.’
Enquiries about the programme can be directed to Willie Kotzé (operations manager: Grain SA
Farmer Development Programme) on 082 535 5250.