Grain SA membership for
economic welfare
Grain SA is an autonomous and voluntary commodity organisation acting collectively in the
interests of the economic welfare of the grain producers of South Africa, and is the combined voice
of grain producers to address commodity matters and issues with the government and other role-
players in the industry.
Who can become a member of Grain SA?
Ordinary members (natural persons), trusts and any legal entities who produce grain for market-
ing, pay the prescribed membership fee and commodity levy to Grain SA, and underwrite the
objectives of Grain SA.
What does membership of Grain SA offer me as producer?
The ten-point plan for complete peace of mind
1. Obtain all possible information on your production costs and space, as well as on your input
and production environment.
2. Remain op to date on the availability, quality and price of inputs.
3. Obtain information on the most recent research, technological development and production
practices that will ensure effective and profitable production.
4. Know your policy environment and be aware of changes with respect to legislation.
5. Obtain information on the local and international market and trade environments.
6. Be up to date at all times on bilateral and multilateral trade agreements.
7. Become part of the NAMPO Harvest Day, and familiarise yourself with the most recent agricul-
tural products, technology and services. Yes, visit all input providers on the same premises.
8. Subscribe to the magazine,
SA Graan/Grain
, which reports objectively on current affairs and
provides information strategic to the industry on a monthly basis.
9. Make sure that you are part of the commercial grain producer’s only and official mouthpiece,
where you are represented by proven experts.
10. By becoming a member of Grain SA you also gain access to Momentum’s financial welfare
solution for members and their farm workers.
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