How is membership obtained?
Any producer who produces grain may obtain membership by merely completing the authorisa-
tion form that is available from Grain SA. As soon as Grain SA has received the authorisation
form, it is handed to the collection agent concerned to deduct the levy and the producer is regis-
tered on the system as a member.
What is the current levy per ton?
The current levies (excluding VAT) per ton are as follows: Maize: R2,50, wheat: R3,00, sunflowers:
R5,00, groundnuts: R10,00, soybeans: R5,00, sorghum: R2,50, canola: R4,00 and barley: R3,00.
Full payment: A minimum of R1 000 (excluding VAT) is prescribed for full membership.
Linked members: If more than one person is involved in a farming operation, such persons can
function as linked members.
How is the levy collected?
The commodity levy is collected in two ways:
Collection agents
Grain SA has concluded agreements with agricultural businesses and other grain off-takers in
terms of which these institutions, for an agency fee of 5%, recover the commodity levy for
Grain SA as collection agents. This makes it easy for producers to ensure that their commodity
levy is paid over. The levy per ton is collected on all grains at the first point of delivery and the
collection agent will only deduct the levy as long as the member agrees to this.
Grain SA membership for economic welfare
Continued from p. 127