Tackle queleas effectively
The Agricultural Pests Act (Act No. 36 of 1983) declare queleas and locusts to be pests. The
Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries is responsible for controlling them.
Procedures to be followed by the complainant to report queleas
Before an official of the department can do a physical inspection, the following procedures/steps
must be followed by the complainant:
a) The correct sleeping or breeding area of the flock of queleas causing the damage must be
correctly identified. The area can only be identified early in the evening, as the queleas will not
be at their respective nests during the day. Breeding flocks will have nests and they can be used
during the day to identify the breeding area.
b) If the area identified is not the property of the complainant, the complainant must obtain
permission for access and possible control actions from the landowner concerned.
The complainant may then contact one of the resource conservation inspectors (see contact
numbers below) with the information and report the queleas. An appointment will be made to
inspect the sleeping or breeding area in the company of the complainant.
Contact details for queleas:
Contact details for locusts:
John Tladi
Deputy Director: Migrating Pests
Tel: 012 309 5743
Cell: 082 457 3741
Khuliso Gangashe
Assistant Director
Tel: 012 309 5823
Cell: 072 231 2192
Colin Burke
Tel: 012 309 5826
Cell: 082 451 4861
Luka Geertsema
Tel: 012 309 5824
Cell: 082 457 3742
Gert Greyvenstein
Migrating Pests Officer: De Aar
Cell: 082 451 4860
Contact details for army worms:
John Tladi
Deputy Director: Migrating Pests
Tel: 012 309 5743
Cell: 082 457 3741
Corné Louw, senior economist: Industry Services, Grain SA