After pesticide containers have been emptied, they should be rinsed at least three times with
one-third volume clean water, and the rinse water must be added to the spray tank. Contain-
ers should then be dried in the sun and preferably cut full of holes or cut up completely before
being supplied to plastics recyclers. See
www.avcasa.co.zafor the list of recyclers.
Avoid malicious abuse of pesticides, for example poisoning animals that may cause damage.
This is not only illegal and inhumane, but also creates a secondary poison risk for other ani-
mals. Poisoning has already seriously affected some species like vultures and the agricultural
community is blamed for this.
Contact Dr Gerhard Verdoorn at 082 446 8946 or
nesher@tiscali.co.za.Dr Gerhard H Verdoorn (Griffon Poison Information Centre and Association of Veterinary and
Crop Associations of South Africa [AVCASA])
Use pesticides responsibly
Continued from p. 98
Steps to calibrate for spraying
If you want to calibrate for spraying quickly, follow the steps below (for overall spraying):
1. Decide in which gear and at what engine revolutions you intend spraying with your tractor. Fill
the tank with water and then determine the time it will take for the tractor to travel 100 m in
the field.
2. Make sure that the sprayer is fitted with the right spray heads. With the tractor stationary, switch
on the pump and adjust the spray pressure to the desired level and at the same engine revolu-
tions as in Step 1.
3. With the spray pressure set at the desired level, measure the amount of water delivered by each
spray head in the time period as determined in Step 1.
4. Measure the total spray width of the sprayer.
5. With the aid of the above information, calculate the spray volume per hectare:
Spray volume = 10 000 x total volume of water (litres) (as determined in Step 3)
distance (100 m) x sprayer width (metres)
6. If the desired spray volume is not obtained, repeat Steps 1 to 5 with different gear
combinations until the desired volume per hectare is applied.
7. Now calculate the correct volume of herbicide to be added to the spray tank:
Volume of herbicide to be content of tank x herbicide dosage/ha
added to tank
spray volume/ha (as determined in Step 5)
Jan de Villiers, Ficksburg