Publications of the Agricultural Research Council (ARC)
Publications available from the ARC-GCI:
1. Compact disk (CD) on the production of maize, pests and diseases.
Laserskyf (CD) oor die produksie van mielies, peste en siektes.
3. Field guide for sorghum pests/
Veldgids vir sorghumplae.
Sonneblomproduksie: ‘n Bestuursgids vir die eenprodusent
6. Production of dry beans
7. Production of soybeans/
Produksie van sojabone.
Produksie van grondbone
(“Grondbone – Altyd ‘n wenner”).
9. Groundnut diseases and pests/
Grondboonsiektes en -plae.
10. Revised common weeds in Southern Africa/
Algemene onkruide in Suidelike Afrika.
11. Maize Information Guide
) –
updated annually
For more information or to obtain an order form, contact Mary James on 018 299 6100/6253 or
send an email to
Available from the ARC-SGI in English or Afrikaans:
Veldgids vir die identifikasie van koringinsekte in Suid-Afrika.
2. Wheat Diseases in South Africa.
Hulpmiddelversurings en waterkwaliteitseffekte op onkruiddoders.
Handleiding vir die produksie van kleingrane in die somerreënvalgebied
(jaarliks opgedateer).
Handleiding vir die produksie van kleingrane in die winterreënvalgebied (jaarliks opgedateer).
6. Guidelines for the production of small grains in the summer rainfall region
(updated annually).
7. Guidelines for the production of small grains in the winter rainfall region (updated annually).
For orders, contact Elri Burger on 058 307 3400/19 or send an email to
post your order to the ARC-Small Grain Institute, Private Bag X29, Bethlehem, 9700.
Quality problems with agrochemicals?
How to…
If you suspect or experience problems with the quality of agrochemicals, take the following steps:
• Contact the representative from whom the agrochemicals were bought as soon as possible and
insist on an investigation on site. Also keep a record of dates and conversations.
• Gather and write down as much information as possible, take photos or make videos to refer
back to later.
Consider the following steps if the problem is not solved (do not wait too long with this):
• Contact an independent scientist to do an investigation on site.
• Inform Grain SA if the chemical company cannot provide the required attention and solutions
for the relevant problems.
Corné Louw, senior economist: Inputs, Grain SA