This germplasm development outcome is a critical part of the
IWYP programme. These are the sort of project outcomes expect-
ed by IWYP from some of its aligned project members in the next
five to ten years to give smaller but significant yield improvements
compared to more longer term funded IWYP projects.
ARC-Small Grain is a proud national member of IWYP and a con-
tinental leader, set to represent the best interest of its wheat pro-
ducers to improve wheat yield for the future.
At CIMMYT Obregon, Mexico, there is a dedicated IWYP pre-
breeding hub that handles international material transfers, devel-
opment, trait validation research and general co-ordination. If new
traits or genes related to yield components are identified by IWYP
members, these are first validated in existing IWYP and CIMMYT
material to test novelty and value.
CIMMYT personnel, research fellows and students work on these
international IWYP projects and material as collaborators captur-
ing relevant data. During the CIMMYT open day and 50th Anniver-
sary and Memorial celebrations of the great Dr Norman Borlaug, we
were exposed to the latest breeding approaches, techniques and
technologies currently used by CIMMYT breeders and pre-breeders
to improve wheat yield.
The IWYP CIMMYT hub makes extensive use of high throughput
phenotyping technologies in the form of drones fitted with hyper-
spectral and thermal imaging cameras. CIMMYT also makes use of
its genotyping service providers to validate markers related to traits
of interest coming from IWYP projects. These synergies supported
by the IWYP hub allows for a better international collaboration and
sharing of resources for a single common course of improving the
genetic yield potential of wheat.
Benefits of being an IWYP member
This closed community of researchers sharing and collaborating
in such an international manner is unique in the general science
and research community, but especially in this globally important
crop research.
The IWYP members’ platform allows for the secure sharing of data
and new research findings with project leaders only on the dictated
online storage infrastructure, databases and research tools. Being
an IWYP member, we now have primary access to germplasm pan-
els from all over the world as they are developed and identified by
the research projects from the IWYP hub at CIMMYT.
The unique combination of a dedicated information sharing plat-
form, used within and across integrated research projects, is meant
to contribute to quicker researcher breakthroughs. This interactive
platform allows for all scientists to add value to any project and
learn from existing results and ultimately prevent duplication of
work. As an IWYP member, we have the ability to contribute to the
greater world wheat yield improvement ambition as part of the po-
tential global food security solution.
I would like to acknowledge the co-funding received from the
ARC and the Southern African Crop Production Society (SASCP),
without which the travel would not have been possible. For ad-
ditional information contact Dr Sydenham at ARC-Small Grain at
058 307 3408 or
sydenhams@arc.agric.zaor visit .Chasing wheat yields
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