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Soil survey process

Like with the taking of precision samples, a grid pattern is distributed across the field with the aid

of a GPS. The grid size is usually the same as for precision samples. Point observations are usually

done with the aid of a mechanical soil auger or manual soil auger by determining the soil type

at each GPS point and indicating the soil properties on the GPS and/or on an enlarged aerial

photograph of the farm. Soil borders should be indicated on the aerial photograph during the

mapping process by indicating visible soil differences in the field on the map and by correlating

soil differences by way of aerial photograph interpretation with the topography of the field and

drawing this on the aerial photograph.

It is also good practice to describe additional soil properties in profile holes in the dominant soil

units. Soil samples are taken of the different soil horizons and analysed as representative of the

soil unit concerned.

Map processing and report

The soil borders drawn in on the aerial photograph are captured in a geographical computer

programme (GIS) and all the chemical analysis data and physical soil data (texture data) are

linked to the GPS points as point data. A soil map is now processed, indicating the geographical

spread of soil types in the farm on the basis of a soil legend. A report should be drafted on the

basis of the soil map, containing, among other things, the aim, methods, results and discussion of

the soil survey.

Application maps

Different application maps are compiled with the survey data as basis. Examples are potential

maps that indicate the differences in yield potential for different crops, with prescription maps for

differential fertilisation recommendations on the basis of the potential differences, as well as the

varying plant establishment. These prescription maps are then loaded into differential equipment

in agricultural implements, which apply the prescription as required across the field, as needed

per area.




Continued from p. 41