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August 2015

This is why…


he other day I read a very interesting quote which made me

think anew about the condition in which our country and

its people are finding themselves. Freely translated it went

something like this: “The new world order is not formu-

lated through political processes or economic powers, but

by individuals who get together, take a collective decision,

start doing it and spread the process.”

Is that not what Grain SA is doing? I experience it almost daily.

Our Working Groups get together, discuss the problems of their

members, decide what the solution would be and then start imple-

menting it. The end-result is a country with food security and sus-

tainable producers.

Our eye must remain on the ball! Election fever has started early;

especially if we listen to all the comments about land reform. Fortu-

nately there are always those who also realistically consider every-

thing, and yes, everyone in the country is not politicians.

In the past month we had to hear from people who know that

South Africa does not have the money for the many plans ran-

domly announced in parliament. Another remarked in passing that:

“South Africa deserves a better president. The courts will not allow

him to get away with everything.” With regard to this last remark, we

will just have to wait and see.

Even in conjunction with the poor crop results in the north it does

seem that we will pass the 1 million ton mark for the soybean crop

for the first time – another sign that the market is working prop-

erly. The demand and price was there and production followed.

The expected improvements in genetic material will undoubt-

edly give a further boost to this sector of the industry. We trust

that the late rains in the Cape will continue, thus enabling the re-

gion to harvest a good crop. Weather prophets are seemingly

again forecasting dry spells for next year. Should that happen it

will be more than merely a disaster, but as the faithful we must per-

sist in our faith: Prosperity and not adversity – that is God’s promise.

Recently, I’ve been reading a lot about what experts have to

say about difficult times in leadership. One thing is certain – char-

acter outperforms capacity every time. To remain resolute is not




We have reached the 250 m mark of the 400 m land reform race.

The men and women who have not practiced and have not train-

ed their muscle endurance, are now going to hit the wall. A well-

known boxer once said that if you cheat in the dark, early morning

practice sessions, you will be exposed in front of many people under

the bright lights of the boxing ring.

The pressure is on, all over, and our real motives and character

will now begin to show. I have come to know Grain SA’s members

as a group of producers who are not satisfied with the status quo;

who get together, search for solutions and start doing something

about the circumstances around them.

Our leaders are taking a heavy toll and have to support one another

continuously to remain steadfast. “Why?” do you ask. For the sake of

our children and grandchildren and because we now have to show

the character of Him who for our sakes persevered and endured until

all was fulfilled. That is why.



Uit die


wyg is ook ‘n antwoord. In sekere omstandighede kan dit

wys wees om nie te praat nie, maar in ander sal dit weer

dwaas wees om nie jou sê te sê nie. Soms moet dinge

bekend gemaak word en soms nie. Een ding waaroor ons

egter nooit moet swyg nie, is ons sondes. Nie dat ons dit aan

almal moet bekend maak nie, maar wel aan God.

In Ps 32 lees ons wat die Here ons deur Dawid oor hierdie saak

wil leer. Dawid het owerspel met Batseba gepleeg en sy het swanger

geword. Met allerhande slinkse planne poog hy om dit te verdoe-

sel. Toe hy nie daarin slaag nie, laat hy haar man vermoor. Só pro-

beer hy om een sonde met ‘n ander te bedek. Hierdie dinge begin

egter aan hom knaag. Die spanning in sy gemoed neem later so toe

dat hy siek word daarvan. Sy sondes begin hom inhaal!

So is dit nou eenmaal met die sonde. As jy dit probeer bedek, laai

jy net nog meer sonde op jouself. Een sonde kan nooit ‘n ander sonde

bedek nie. Al weet geen mens van jou sonde nie, God weet daarvan.

Hy ken ons harte en ons gedagtes. Hy weet wat ons dink en doen.

Dawid probeer om sy sondes weg te steek, maar moet uiteindelik

erken dat hy verkeerd opgetree het. Die Here het hom op ‘n harde

manier tot die besef gebring dat hy nie sy sondes self kan bedek voor

God nie. Dit help nie hy probeer om dit langer weg te steek, of om

dit te ontken nie. Hy moet dit bely. Met groot hartseer en berou

gaan hy na God toe. Wat ‘n groot verligting!

Dawid ontdek die genade van God. God is barmhartig en genadig

en vergewe jou sondes. Dawid is nie net verlig oor God se genade

nie, hy ontdek ook wat dit beteken om bevry te word van sonde en

die greep wat Satan op ‘n mens het as jy nie jou sondes bely nie.

Dawid ontdek wat verlossing werklik beteken.

Jesus Christus het na die wêreld gekom om ons te verlos. Hy het

ons oortredings op Hom geneem om ons daarvan te verlos. God het

ons ongeregtigheid aan Hom toegereken sodat Hy daarvoor kon

betaal. Met sy bloed bedek Hy ons sondes voor God. Hy maak dit

toe sodat God dit nie sien nie en nooit weer daaraan dink nie.

Hy doen dit alles egter net as jy dit voor God erken en bely. As

jy swyg en dit boonop self wil bedek, maak jy dit net meer en kan

die gevolge vernietigend wees. As jy dit erken en bely, neem

Christus dit weg van jou af en bedek dit met sy bloed waarmee Hy

daarvoor betaal het.

Moenie dwaas wees nie, maar wys. Erken en bely jou sonde voor


Baie geluk aan

Shaun Dyibha van

Hermanus wat vir die

Mei-uitgawe van

SA Graan/Grain

die gratis

Bybel gewen het.