SA Graan Augustus 2014 - page 7

August 2014
Now I understand better
he Class of 2014 of the Grain Academy presented by
Grain SA in collaboration with Syngenta, graduated on
20 June this year in Bloemfontein. On that Friday, the men
andonewomanhad topresent the resultsof theprojects they
were researching to a panel.
The subjects were challenging: Land reform, how to get communal
lands intoproduction andwater in agriculture. All of it inEnglish! To
experience the energetic and innovative young people was truly a
privilege forme.
Our dreams to create something like this were greatly surpassed. I
was inspired anewwith courage for the future of agriculture by lis-
tening toandobserving theevent. This isaveryprecious investment
in the people of our country that in future will still deliver a lot of
Each student also had to read a resolve to everyone present at the
endof theeveningabout how they intended toapply thisnewknowl-
edge. That is what I live for: To see young people take a vision and
as newgeneration leaders accept responsibility for the future of the
country! If every partnershipwith our input suppliers delivers such
results, therewouldbe few issues that could keepus back.
On 26 June this year approximately 16 of the Grain SA staff mem-
bers, includingmyself, of thePretoria officedeparted in a convoy to
the Moedverloren Boerdery. Themission of the day was to experi-
ence first-hand theharvestingprocess in suchagoodyear.MrNeels
Ferreira, alongwithhis fertiliser advisor fromOmnia, explainedpre-
cision farming to the group whereafter everyone could take a ride
on a self-driven tractor. Some even had the opportunity, under the
watchful eye of the owner, to personally drive a tractor. Others took
theopportunity to talk to thepresent day farmworkerswhooperate
the expensivemachinerywith confidence.
For some it was a first timeon a commercial farm. Somehavenever
been in a combineharvester, or havenever seenwhere all themaize
comes from. At theendof thedayeachhad theopportunity to share
their experienceof thedaywith theothers. Although eachof us had
auniqueexperience, we all went homewith a far better understand-
ing of what commercial farming is really about. The tasty pap and
meatwewere spoiltwithwasalsomuchmoreappreciated.With this
we learnt again thatwe cannotmeet the futurewith confidence ifwe
donot continually invest inour people.
June this year was amonthwith a lot of heavy guns regarding land
reform. The intensity of the debate is even creating some stress in
the ranks of organised agriculture. Hardened leaders in agriculture
are scratching their heads; but it isnow the time to keepyour cool! It
isnot sodifficult toapply leadershipwhenmattersaregoing reason-
ablywell, but when the hills get steeper andmountains higher, it is
time for the real leaders to step forward.
Thank you for all the encouragement we receive at the office and
the assurances that you are praying for us. One of my mentors of
many years ago taught me the lesson that an anxious horsemakes
anxious jumps. “Stay calm, JannieDiv”was his advice. This is such
a timenow!
Weareenteringaverychallengingseasonwith regard to land reform
and the next four years will be decisive for our future – not only for
agriculture, but also for the country.What remains a given though is
that all who arenegotiating (andeven thosenot negotiating) still has
to eat three times per day. That is our salvation.
Uit die
ns as Christene iswerklik bevoorreg. Ons het ‘n liefdevolle
Vader in die hemel wat ons deur die lewe dra en versorg.
Dit is so anders as diemensewat ander gode dien. Ander
gode kan nie sien, hoor of praat nie. Daarby is hulle hard
en genadeloos, sonder enige liefde of ontferming vir hulle
aanhangers.Hulleoptrede, volgenshulleaanhangers, isnet soosdié
vanmense. Hulle is net sowispelturig, onvoorspelbaar enmet niks
tevrede nie. Hulle gee min en eis baie, hou nie hulle woord nie en
is dus onbetroubaar. Hullemoet voortdurend gepaai en gepamper-
Die Here is nie so nie. Ons lees in Eks 6:4 dat die Here Israel se
gebede gehoor het. Hulle is erg deur die Egiptenaars verdruk en
mishandel. Hulle het tot dieHere geroep in hulle benoudheid en die
Here het gehoor en aan sy verbond gedink. Die Here het meer as
400 jaar tevore reeds ‘n verbond met Abraham gesluit waarin Hy
belowe het dat Hy Abraham se God sal wees en Abraham en sy
nageslag ‘n volk vir God sal wees. Hy het ook beloof om die land
Kanaän aan hulle te gee. Hy het aan hierdie belofte vanHom gedink
en Israel gered endie landKanaän aanhullegegee.
Net so het die Here aan sy belofte gedink om ‘n Verlosser na die
wêreld te stuur. Op die regte tyd het Hy sy Seun gestuur om ons uit
dieslawernyvandiesondeendiedood te red. Elkeenwat inHomglo
sal nie verloregaannie,maar die ewige lewebeërf.
Net so dink dieHere vandag nog aan al die belofteswat Hy gemaak
het. Hierdie beloftes is deel van die verbondwat Hy inChristusmet
onsgesluit het. IndieverbondsêdieHeredatHyonsVader isenons
sy kinders. Hybeloweomons te redvandiedoodendieewige lewe
aanons tegee.Hysal onsookversorgmet alleswatonsnodighet vir
liggaam en siel. Elke keer as ons in die gebed naHom toe kom, dink
Hy aan sy verbondmet ons – al die belofteswat Hy aanons gemaak
het.Wanneer Hy aan sy verbonddink, komHy inbeweging endoen
Hywat Hybeloof het.
Elke kind van God het die voorreg om tot hierdie God te bid en kan
ook verseker wees dat Hy sal luister en doen wat Hy beloof het.
Soek en jy sal vind, klopenvir jou sal oopgemaakword, biden jy sal
ontvang (Luk 11:10).
Baie geluk aan Ria Kleyn-
hans van Bothaville wat
vir die Junie-uitgawe van
SA Graan/Grain
die gratis
Bybel gewenhet.
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