The application of data science in modern-day agriculture can enable producers to analyse
weather patterns, soil health, weed and pest control at the same time and this enables them to
make quick, informed decisions that result in better outcomes and increased productivity. This
makes it possible for the producer to assess all management decisions (past, present and future)
on the basis of agronomic analysis of data gathered in the field.
The role of data science in agriculture and the grain industry will increase in the future. Producers
will hear about it more and data services will become more available as organisations start invest-
ing in them and service providers are established. Producers will discover the value of their data
and pay more attention to the accuracy with which they gather data.
Producers who already use precision farming systems will quite probably be among the first to dis-
cover the full value of data science. Experts feel that the application of data science is something
that will change agriculture as we know it.
Tom, K. (2014)
The Green Data Revolution
. Frankfurt, Germany.
Landi Kruger, data science co-ordinator: Grain SA
Farm security – measure and determine your status
Security status is a theme that is very topical these days and should be revisited regularly. Measure
yourself against these questions and do something about the weaknesses. Being alert, observant
and prepared will definitely help you in a difficult situation.
• Is there an emergency plan for different incidents and does everybody know what to do then?
• Do you, your family and workers still apply the safety measures and do you practise the emer-
gency plan regularly?
• Do you have a protocol in place to deal with, for example, uninvited visitors who come looking
for work?
• Do you have a protocol in place to check and verify the identification of uninvited and invited
• Do you tend to follow a specific routine, for example, do you always stop in the same place
when you come from town?
• Is there an early warning system for your farm and is it still effective?
• Are you always on the lookout for strangers on your farm?
• Will your employees report strangers and strange vehicles on your farm?
• Do you inform the community of possible suspect persons or vehicles in the area?
• Is the attitude of your employees such that they will protect your family if you are not there?
• Do you handle as little cash as possible and do your workers know that there is no real cash in
the house or office?
• Do you approach all strangers with the necessary caution? (You never know whether they are
armed or not.)
• Is the security fence still effective in combating undesirable access?
• Are the security doors and gates and burglar bars of your houses still effective and adequate?
• Is there a security gate in your home that can effectively separate the bedrooms from the rest of
the house and do you lock this gate at night?
• Do you have a dog that sleeps in the house at night?
• Are the security lights and alarm system still effective and in working order?
• Are the guard dogs and alternative warning mechanisms still effective?
• Do you have alternative communication systems in addition to the landline or personal
cellphones (for example, contact with the neighbours and the police or a hidden cellphone
in a room)?
Continued on p. 17