Amanda se foto “Gras is groener aan die ander kant” – wat ‘n derde plek
behaal het.
Tiani Claassen van Reitz se
foto van skape wat aange-
jaag word, het haar R1 000
ryker gemaak.
Interpretasies van plaaslewe
aie dankie vir die pragtige foto’s wat ons
al ontvang het in ons spiksplinternuwe
SA Graan
/Sasol Chemicals (Kunsmis) foto-
kompetisie. Die beoordelaars is aangenaam
verras deur ons amateurfotograwe se interpretasie
van die nuwe tema “Die plaaslewe”.
Maak seker van wat in jou foto is. Ons het ‘n
ongelooflike mooi foto ontvang, wat ‘n wenfoto kon
gewees het, maar op die voorgrond van die foto
is ‘n stuk van ‘n bakkie – wat die hele foto onbruik-
baar gemaak het. Klim in so ‘n geval liewer uit
die bakkie – of staan ‘n paar treë links of regs tot-
dat jy die perfekte prentjie in jou lens het.
Amanda van Blerk van Clarens se foto’s behaal die tweede en derde plek.
Dié foto “Oggendstond het goud in die mond” is vroegoggend op ‘n bees-
plaas in die Oos-Vrystaat geneem.
In an ANC that is so petrified of losing further support, I doubt the
party can sell this to an already restless public. So from a funding
crisis to funding crisis, that will be Eskom’s fate. And along the way,
it will claim the lives of more of its CEOs.
In the ten years since the expansion programme began, the utility
has had four chief executives and as many chairmen.
The same can be said about virtually every other state owned
enterprise, there’s seemingly no one able or secure enough – even
within Luthuli House – to make the long-term call, as they all come
with some level of short-term angst that may play itself in polls or
more worryingly at party elective conferences.
This is the biggest blight on the Zuma years: The inability to create
certainty for both its citizens and potential funders of the much
needed capacity expansion that this economy needs. Outside
Transnet, whose mandate and policy direction hasn’t been messed
around with much over the past six years, almost every other
government agency that plays a role in the South African economy
doesn’t know whether it’s coming or going.
Money knows how to make more of it, if the guidelines are clear.
And people adapt to their new realities, if they are consulted and the
greater goal properly explained. I am yet to get a leader like Zuma
himself lay out the National Development Plan for the country.
It’s mentioned as the guiding principle of 2030, but just how much
are we and the political leadership of this country really invested in
some of the very good policies that have been put forward.
For them, personal security is of utmost importance, because as we
have subsequently seen in two elective conferences since 2007, the
tables can turn very quickly on even the most popular. And we are
just too low in confidence to believe in the document.
Our politics is one of fear and little imagination…And this speaks to
all political formations.
Maart 2015