Grain Guide 2018

How is the levy collected? The commodity levy is collected in two ways:  Collection agents Grain SA has concluded agreements with agricultural businesses and other grain off-takers in terms of which these institutions, for an agency fee of 5%, recover the commodity levy for Grain SA as collection agents. This makes it easy for producers to ensure that their commodity levy is paid over. The levy per ton is collected on all grains at the first point of delivery and the collection agent will only deduct the levy as long as the member agrees to this.  Direct deposit  A member can pay the commodity levy to Grain SA by means of a cheque, a direct deposit at the bank or an electronic transfer.  Members who make direct or electronic de­ posits must email the proof of payment plus the member’s details to Patricia Mahlatsi at . Grain SA’s account details are as follows: Account holder: Grain SA Bank: Absa Account number: 790 810 007 Branch code: 334136 (632005 electronically) Amandel Graan Grain Capital 1 2 143 Grain SA