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Mr Andries Beyers, Chairperson of the

WPO, 1999.

its own identity, a new name and its own logo. The recommendation further

stated that the organisation would still function within the SAAU structures,

with retention of the National Committee of the SAAU as the highest authority

in the industry.

The recommendationswere referred to theSAAUand theWheatBoard for further con-

sideration. It seemed as though the recommendations were favourably considered,

as during its meeting on 15 March 1989 the National Winter Cereal Committee

decided that a national producer organisation would be established, as had been

envisaged. It was resolved that the name would be the Winter Cereal Producer Or-

ganisation (WPO). This was also the last meeting of the National Industry Committee

for Wheat and other Winter Cereal, which was subsequently dissolved.

Mr J Neethling was elected as the first Chairperson of the WPO, with Mr WE Pienaar

as the Vice-chairperson. Mr Nico Hawkins was appointed as the first Manager of

the WPO.

The WPO’s main function was to serve as producer organisation, and therefore

as the mouthpiece for the winter cereal producers. After its establishment the

organisation played a key role in the handling of winter cereal producers’ interests

and the winter cereal industry in general.

Following an Executive decision on 4 April 1991, the function to nominate producer

members to the Wheat Board was taken over by the WPO. Pursuant to this decision,

the WPO would nominate two members from the FSAU and one member from

the WCAU. Furthermore, it was decided that the Wheat Board member who had

previously been nominated by Uniegraan, would in future be nominated by the

WPO Executive. This meant that from 1993 the WPO structures nominated all

producer members for appointment to the Wheat Board.

First meeting

The WPO’s first Executive Meeting was held on 14 September 1989 in Gordons Bay

and Mr Eddie Pienaar, the Chairperson of the Wheat Board, attended.

During this meeting reports were presented concerning the consultations between

the WPO, NAMPO and the National Grain Sorghum Committee. According to the

report, the representatives of the different organisations identified many points and

problems in common between the various industries, which in their opinion might be

addressed more successfully when looked at collectively. It remains interesting that,

even a decade later, this aspect was also one of the key reasons for the establishment

of Grain SA.

At this meeting it was noted that the research structure and function of the Depart-

ment of Agriculture and Water Supply would be transferred to an autonomous

research council, the Agricultural Research Council (ARC), which could serve all

populations groups and could co-ordinate and support all agricultural research.

A proposal with full details regarding the purpose and functions, management,

funding and other aspects of the ARC was discussed.

Durum wheat

A meeting for the representatives from all co-operative areas producing durum

wheat was held on 15 February 1990 at Hopetown. During that meeting it was

requested that a permanent committee under the auspices of the WPO be created

to handle the interests of the durum wheat producers.

This request was approved by the WPO’s Executive on 21 March 1990. A sub-

committee was established with representatives from the Wheat Board, Fatti’s

& Moni’s, South-Western Transvaal Agricultural Co-operative, Prieska Meat

Co-operative, Hopetown Co-operative, Eastern Cape Agricultural Co-operative,

Douglas Co-operative and Albert Co-operative.

New Chairperson

At the WPO’s Executive Meeting on 18 September 1991 Mr Chappie Ferreira,

representative of the Free State WPO, took over the role of Chairperson from